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Tassie develop

  • Tassie develop replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi All,You can still get CP+ in parts of Tassie. I had 11 a few years back on our west coast (Queenstown and Zeehan) but only 1 now. There's mining and a little tourism there and i did quite well when the mining boom first took off. If you make offers and look hard enough you'll find around 10% return that you'll need to get CP+ there. Entry under…[Read more]

  • Hi Sarah,My understanding is that receiving rent would not be legal even if you were living there. Technically this makes a proportion of your house an investment and thus a proportion is subject to CGT, etc. Obviously plenty of people must have done this and received "Cash in hand" no receipts…. But i think you could still get done if caught.As…[Read more]

Tassie develop