Tassie develop replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hi All,You can still get CP+ in parts of Tassie. I had 11 a few years back on our west coast (Queenstown and Zeehan) but only 1 now. There's mining and a little tourism there and i did quite well when the mining boom first took off. If you make offers and look hard enough you'll find around 10% return that you'll need to get CP+ there. Entry under…[Read more]
Tassie develop replied to the topic First Property – How Do People Get The FHOG When They Dont Live In It? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hi Sarah,My understanding is that receiving rent would not be legal even if you were living there. Technically this makes a proportion of your house an investment and thus a proportion is subject to CGT, etc. Obviously plenty of people must have done this and received "Cash in hand" no receipts…. But i think you could still get done if caught.As…[Read more]