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  • tanner892 replied to the topic Gold Coast in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 9 months ago

    Yeah I've heard good things about occupancy there near UQ and it has great infrastructure and transport in the area, I think there was some flooding there but nothing significant? I wasn't actually in Qld during the floods so I'm unaware of where and how bad certain areas were affected but doing plenty of research! it seems like alot of southern…[Read more]

  • tanner892 replied to the topic Gold Coast in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 9 months ago

    Yeah that's some good advice, in my opinion it seems like they are undervalued in alot of suburbs primarily due to them being situated in flood zones, I doubt you can even get insurance in these places.

    My only question is if buying near Universities where its very possible to have tenants primariy of Uni students, are things like garages or…[Read more]

  • tanner892 replied to the topic Gold Coast in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hey thanks for your input, yeah well the whole place isn't a disaster zone I will just need to make sure I've done plenty of flood research before ever committing to a buy, Chapel Hill is west Brisbane isnt it? that isnt for from Toowong I believe? Which is somewhere I was looking at that seems to have a good supply of tenants bringing in great…[Read more]

  • tanner892 replied to the topic Gold Coast in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 9 months ago

    It has really taken a hit the last few years that's for sure, for a first time investor like myself with limited experience the ability to buy cheap property that's positively geared is enticing on a low income, but nonetheless not overly useful if theres no CG or prices become even more deflated…

    Does anyone ahve any thoughts on apartments in…[Read more]

  • tanner892 replied to the topic Gold Coast in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 9 months ago

    Jason957 wrote:

    Firstly – I am not a investor yet but just something that came to mind, maybe with the Australian dolloar lower is there a chance it could boost tourism in the Gold Coast  influencing capital growth. ?


    That's a good point, however not sure of the impacts of long term capital growth, its possible it may…[Read more]


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