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  • tammy replied to the topic What was YOUR upbringing Like? in the forum General Property 16 years, 8 months ago

    Also from a paycheck to paycheck family. The first unit we purchased was our PPOR when the FHOG came in and why?……because the repayments were less than the rent we were paying an an adjoining unit (+ve cash flow…..whats that?!?!?!). The second, purchased 6 months later and in the same complex, was because my younger sister was coming to uni…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic Working is for Suckers??? in the forum Hi Xenia,
    I also have
    16 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Xenia,I also have noticed that there is often an attitude that if you are working you are doing it all wrong. Interestingly, I have observed this attitude most in the "almost there Investor". I am sure you know the one, lots of information, all gunho, results just starting to be observed, stars in their eyes where it will all lead to. I do find…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic Confused with settlement. NEED HELP in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 8 months ago

    Hi JL,Yes, unless something has changed in the last few years, you pay within 3 months of exchange, and yes I was on an extended settlement and paid it at the 3 month mark, the property settling 4 months after that. I cannot answer what the outcome is should you not settle. Perhaps there are those with more experiecnce on this forum that can…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic What should I do with our money? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Familyman,Duckster is correct. I dont think anyone would wish to steer you in the wrong direction based on what we ourselves think. Each persons situation is different and so are the outcomes they wish to achieve. My suggestion to you before handing over any money, is for you and your family to sit down and clearly define what you wish to…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic Amending contracts from builders in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Simez,By all means feel free to share these loopholes, or point me in the right direction. I am very happy to do my own reading, I just didnt realise there may have been loopholes.Thank you in advanceTammy

  • tammy replied to the topic BRENDAN NICHOLS MILLION DOLLAR ENTREPRENEUR’S BOOT CAMP TICKETS FOR SALE in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 9 months ago

    Hi all,I also have 2 tickets available as a family wedding has popped up. I am open to offers for these tickets. Please PM me.CheersTammy

  • tammy replied to the topic Confused with settlement. NEED HELP in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 9 months ago

    As per above except if it is a delayed settlement. Stamp duty  (NSW anyway) needs to be paid within 3 months of the contract being signed, and on one occasion, I did it myself as I was able to get to the Office easier and quicker than the solicitor.  BUt as a general rul, I would think that it is easier for the solicitor/agent to do this for you.Tammy

  • tammy replied to the topic anyone consider solar orientation of the block? in the forum General Property 16 years, 9 months ago

    I guess it all depends an where you are looking. Here in regional NSW where summer temps can be over 40 deg with long hot dry spells, a stunning new home with no trees and a westerly aspect (ie patio in blaring sun) to me would not be as appealing as a bit older house with trees and an easterly or northerly aspect. But that is because my current…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic Amending contracts from builders in the forum I guess it depends on what 16 years, 9 months ago

    I guess it depends on what you are trying to change. I recently negotiated to alter the penalty for the construction going over the contract period. Not that it is easy to determine as all building supply delays and days "where precipitation occurs in the area" are added to the contract. It was more of an aknowledgement of my desire to have the j…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic Interest Rates in the forum And today I am hearing that 16 years, 9 months ago

    And today I am hearing that irrespective of the RB's possible hold on interest rates, with the US situation becoming more of a concern, the big 4 are likely to increase the interest rate anyway. Any thoughts on if this is the case (RB holds but banks independantly increase), just how far the banks are likely to push it?Tammy

  • tammy replied to the topic “land tax adjustable” confusion—please help in the forum General Property 16 years, 9 months ago

    Can someone please advise if there is a way of claiming a land tax refund as indicated above. I sold a property in March last year and have just recieved a land tax bill for that property for the whole year. My solicitor never mentioned anything about land tax, should they?CheersTammy

  • tammy replied to the topic Suggestions – Vendor wants to stay on after settlement and rent in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago

    Unfortunately, if the vendor doesnt want to settle on time, apart from recinding the contract I am not sure there is anyway to "make" them settle. I recently had a vendor just not be available to sign the transfer for 10 days and apart from threatening to  walk away, my solicitor said I just had to wear it. In that light, it may be reasonable to…[Read more]

  • The idea behind the JV in your instance (besides others) is a way for the transaction to be transparent to the ATO. That is, prior to any taxing and after costs are deducted, the profit is distributed 50/50 and then you each pay tax according to you particular situation. Obviously you would be best to seek appropriate professional advice, as I am…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic Tenancy Application – PM won’t provide details to landlord in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 10 months ago

    And yet, if you choose not to use a PM then you have access to all the private information anyway!!!! Go figure.

  • A possible option would be  a JV agreement where she is the finance partner and you are the time/project management partner where the agreement splits the proifts (or losses) 50/50. In this scenario, she secures the property and pays all outgoings whilst you put in the time. If you wanted to, you could always put a caveat over the property to…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic My first sub-division! in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 10 months ago

    Wow, I too am impressed that it occured in such a tight timeframe. Congratulations!!!!!!Here's a toast to onwards and upwards.Tammy

  • tammy replied to the topic Work in Gladstone in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 10 months ago

    Hi McNorman,Out of curiosity, where was the source of the jobs info?CheersT

  • tammy replied to the topic Reimbursement of Land Tax in the forum Hi Scott,
    In my case the
    16 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Scott, In my case the boot is on the other foot. I sold 2 properties, one in March 07 the other in July 07. I just recieved a land tax bill for $1700. When I called the number on the bill to say I no longer owned them I was advised that it is ownership as at the 31st Dec. I was also advised that it is not possible to pass on this tax to the new…[Read more]

  • tammy replied to the topic Buying a house in a Family Trust and renting back in the forum from a laymans point of 16 years, 10 months ago

    from a laymans point of view,

    My understanding is that the rent has to be set at market value and you would lose your CGT discount.

  • tammy replied to the topic Buying a house in a Family Trust and renting back in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 10 months ago

    from a laymans point of view,My understanding is that the rent has to be set at market value and you would lose your CGT discount.

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