TamLuu replied to the topic Commercial Property Differences in the forum General Property 21 years ago
im a beginner but like to comment…
traps may include long term vacancies once the lease contract expires for the existing tenant.
Tenants not being able to paying on time.Cheers
TamLuu replied to the topic mortgage hunter i’ve lost your number in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
He’s the man!
TamLuu replied to the topic CBD Apartment Investment WA in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Just be aware that there seems to be alot poping up throughout Australia esp in Sydney…
So i assume that supply would exceed demand…affecting the market
My 2cents worth
TamLuu replied to the topic E-nuff Negativity! in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
Hi all,
my first post… may i add that this forum is designed to help people with investment advice and not a place to create war…enough of war and negativity outside in the world already
we are all grown ups so please keep this place nice and sweet the way it should be !!!