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  • T-man replied to the topic WRAPS deal. Is this fair? in the forum Creative Investing 18 years, 10 months ago


    Yes, i posted in another section, but in short just prior to xmas i purchased a block of land in NSW for my farther-in-law, so obtaining any finace at he moment is out of the question. I also have a car loan hanging over my head.

    I appreciate the reply.


  • T-man replied to the topic WRAPS deal. Is this fair? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for the post Kiwi-Fulla, i hadnt really looked into Lease options but was thinking more along the line of claiming the FHOG and using that as part of a deposit, with the vendor finance.


  • T-man replied to the topic WRAPS deal. Is this fair? in the forum Creative Investing 18 years, 10 months ago

    I am located in Victoria.


  • T-man replied to the topic How can i Benefit in the forum No Subject 18 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for the reply Terryw. Yes i have purchased the land in my name for him. He is building a shed on it before the end of the year with the intention to moving there. From there a house will be built.

    Im not trying to do anything in particular but was wondering if anyone had some ideas as to what i could do with it…tax breaks etc…

    Thanks…[Read more]


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