Forum Replies Created

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  • Hi all saw a worrying article in CQ News today. The council in Emerald has voted to hit investors with a 20% increase in residential rates over owner occupiers. Is this illegal? Do other councils do this? Interested to hear thoughts on this?

    As an investor this will affect my return although I use the same facility as an owner occupier. Seems unfair to me!

    Hi fingers crossed. My email address is can you also send me the report please.

    The post was in relation to the Blackwater ULDA land moxi10 and sporty1 were asking about.

    Check real and reference 2000006466. There are three lots all around 3 hectares. Auction date on fri dec 9th at 10.30am.

    Hi fingerscrossed.

    I would recommend you do some research by looking at Surat Basin on google…

    I am willing to recommend some areas and share some research but I would want something for the time I have put in to it.. As you know I am a buyers advocate so all these things cost money..

    If keen email me on and we will come to some sort of agreement..


    Hi guys

    Interesting forum…

    Don, are you interested in holding back some of the purchase price as vendor finance… I am interested in the property but would need some vendor finance in it… Maybe send me an email to if you are interested…

    To all the other readers, our company also offers a buyers advocacy service where there are some great properties around at the moment offering 10-12% returns across some of the key areas across Australia…

    There are some real hot spots at the moment…

    Email me at if you want to talk further….



    Hi depends on what you are looking for. If it is positive cash flow property than I can recommend you look into the Bowen Basin where you can still get 10% plus yields. If you want both positive cash flow and capital gain than the Surat Basin is worth looking into as well

    If you are interested in locating a cashflow property and are willing to pay a fee for locating and negotiating,  buyers advocates can save you time by locating properties, providing important information including industry, rentability etc. and often also save you money due to relationships with agents across Queensland.

    I would be more than interested in chatting more and seeing if we can help you. Feel free to email me on or call on 0423 052 513 and we can discuss.





    Welcome aboard. I started this journey a number of years ago and are pleased to be able to say I now work part time due to exactly what you are looking for, that is a passive income through real estate property.

    I would love to work with you on your journey and help you get started. It may be closer than you think and you may be able to look at some great properties straight away. My details and what I do are below. Please feel free to email me and I will be more than willing to help you out..

    I am also a buyers advocate and hope to give you some unbiased information. Cashflow Capital are a reputable company that locate positive cashflow property across Australia. They charge a fee of 2.2% of the purchase price negotiated.

    Our company also does similar and charges a flat fee which is quite competitive. The difference you will find is that smaller companies such as ours locate properties specifically tailored to the client's profile whereas Cashflow Capital do not tailor their selections to specific clients.

    If you are interested in locating a cashflow property buyers advocates can save you time by locating properties, providing important information including industry, rentability etc. and often also save you money due to relationships with agents across Australia.

    I would be more than interested in chatting more and seeing if we can help you. Feel free to email me on or call on 0423 052 513 and we can discuss.



    Hi to all…

    I am also a buyers advocate and hope to give you some unbiased information. Cashflow Capital are a reputable company that locate positive cashflow property across Australia. They charge a fee of 2.2% of the purchase price negotiated.

    Our company also does similar and charges a flat fee which is quite competitive. The difference you will find is that smaller companies such as ours locate properties specifically tailored to the client's profile whereas Cashflow Capital do not tailor their selections to specific clients.

    If you are interested in locating a cashflow property buyers advocates can save you time by locating properties, providing important information including industry, rentability etc. and often also save you money due to relationships with agents across Australia.

    I would be more than interested in chatting more and seeing if we can help you. Feel free to email me on or call on 0423 052 513 and we can discuss.



    Hi to all on this forum.

    I am also a buyers advocate and hope to give you some unbiased information. Cashflow Capital are a reputable company that locate positive cashflow property across Australia. They charge a fee of 2.2% of the purchase price negotiated.

    Our company also does similar and charges a flat fee which is quite competitive. The difference you will find is that smaller companies such as ours locate properties specifically tailored to the client's profile whereas Cashflow Capital do not tailor their selections to specific clients.

    If you are interested in locating a cashflow property buyers advocates can save you time by locating properties, providing important information including industry, rentability etc. and often also save you money due to relationships with agents across Australia.

    Also in response to your comments, yes there are rental properties bringing in major rent returns, up to 13% or 14% but remember these are so high because the tenants are transient and on work contracts of anything from 1- 5 years so will not spend the money to purchase for such a short time. Also the companies are often paying the rents and the houses can be occupied by 3 or 4 workers.

    There are still some fantastic opportunities though and welll worth pursuing.


    I would be more than interested in chatting more and seeing if we can help you. Feel free to email me on or call on 0423 052 513 and we can discuss.



    Hi to all forum readers

    I am also a buyers advocate and hope to give you some unbiased information. Cashflow Capital are a reputable company that locate positive cashflow property across Australia. They charge a fee of 2.2% of the purchase price negotiated.

    Our company, Swift Property Solutions also does similar and charges a flat fee which is quite competitive. The difference you will find is that smaller companies such as ours locate properties specifically tailored to the client's profile whereas Cashflow Capital do not tailor their selections to specific clients.

    If you are interested in locating a cashflow property buyers advocates can save you time by locating properties, providing important information including industry, rentability etc. and often also save you money due to relationships with agents across Australia.

    I would be more than interested in chatting more and seeing if we can help you. Feel free to email me on or call on 0423 052 513 and we can discuss.



    Hi Kazimack

    I am also a buyers advocate and hope to give you some unbiased information. Cashflow Capital are a reputable company that locate positive cashflow property across Australia. They charge a fee of 2.2% of the purchase price negotiated.

    Our company also does similar and charges a flat fee which is quite competitive. The difference you will find is that smaller companies such as ours locate properties specifically tailored to the client's profile whereas Cashflow Capital do not tailor their selections to specific clients.

    If you are interested in locating a cashflow property buyers advocates can save you time by locating properties, providing important information including industry, rentability etc. and often also save you money due to relationships with agents across Australia.

    I would be more than interested in chatting more and seeing if we can help you. Feel free to email me on or call on 0423 052 513 and we can discuss.



    Hi guys

    I have been looking and buying as a buyers agent for clients in the Dysart and Moranbah area for quite a while. Interesting news today though which I though was important to share with all who are reading.

    I recently purchased a property in Dysart for investment and was looking forward to the positive cash flow. UNTIL….. Commonwealth Bank who used to lend up to 95% LVR for these areas will not lend at all for any purchases in Dysart until further notice as they are concerned of the negative values of properties as a result of recent redundancies.

    For anyone considering purchasing or selling in Dysart this is horrific news as I was only looking for an 80% loan and that involves no LMI or anything. I was also told that Moranbah, and Blackwater whilst OK at the moment may also end up with a similar fate.

    I would expect this to flow onto the other banks so we might be heading for some price decreases not as a result of any market forces but unusual banking policies. I was surprised like many of you I am sure are as CBA are known for lending pretty much anywhere so I am surprised at this.

    Any thoughts anyone??

    Hi all in the forum.

    Some thoughts on buyers agents. I am one myself and agree that some agents over charge for what they offer.

    Also be very wary of agents that are selling properties direct as they are probably getting a double commission.

    For our company we charge $3300 including GST and that covers everything from finding a property, preparing a report with all key information for due diligence, organising building and pest reports, conveyancers and then checking all the rental paperwork…

    An alternative is our service for $1,000 which analyses a property for you with all the same information and then offering alternatives based on our research.

    I agree with perera that it is cheaper to do your own research, although I find investors or prospective investors can find themselves coming to us as the amount of time to do a due diligence on an area effectively can be 10 hours plus once you check out the web etc, and then the negotiation is even more time.. So if you work on $50 per hour it doesnt take long to get value.

    Anyway if you are interested in using us then please flick an email to me at even if you want to see some info about what we do and a sample report.

    Hopefully more importantly you have some hope restored in buyers agents.


    Simon Swift
    0423 052 513


    I am also a buyers agent in South Australia.
    Specialty is positive cash flow, but can do all properties.
    Please email to and I will send some information.
    Would love to catch up for a coffee.
    Simon Swift
    0423 052 513

    Hi Boogs

    If you are interested in Adelaide, we are a buyers agency working from Adelaide. If you would like more information please email to and I will send you some more information to assist you.
    Simon Swift
    Swift Property Solutions 

    Hi Marc

    as promised by email here is my forum reply.

    Rural areas are only as good as the tenants and the industries in the town.

    You really need to talk to an agent that is local to find out what true vacancy rates are and real rental demand. I often ask for rental lists and leases (with no names, just properties and prices) to be sent to me to confirm rents are in line with quotes.

    As for rural areas, there are often great leases to be found as there are often key govt. departments that lease for a long time (in WA for example there are GEHA leases) and also in smaller transient towns people often rent as they may not be willing to buy if they will be there for only a short period.

    For my criteria in researching I would look into rental history, what key shopping amenities are in town, eg. Woolworths or key take away and what industries are in the town. eg, mining etc.

    Check out council websites as they provide a lot of information.

    Hope it helps

    Simon Swift
    0423 052 513

    Thanks for that Simon; gives us all more confidence. Personally, I don’t mind cheaper, high rent return properties as I can buy more without sacrificing my dollars. Who wants to have to keep working to service n/g property? I want to get out of the rat-race asap and let the properties pay me (nearly there).
    My only fear with ‘rural’ areas is the (perceived) lack of tenants in these areas. What is your experience with that? I have until now stuck to more ‘regional’ areas; bigger populations, but not cities.



    there are always opportunities to find positive cash flow property. If you are looking for simple cash flow opportunities you will need to look outside Sydney.

    I would suggest you look at key towns throughout NSW that have large stable populations. YOu may also want to look interstate. Depends on your budget and risk factors.

    Hi Cathy

    Firstly there are properties in WA that are returning 8-10% and are very good investments with prices from 50K to 400K.

    and finally to invest in your own state or another does not matter when you are investing, sometimes to be further away from the property can take the emotions out of it.



    My opinion is to look at why you are investing in the first place. If your aim is cash flow and you dont mind not getting capital growth then regional areas are great in that they will either cover your costs or cover them and give you some left over,or positive cash flow.

    I have properties from 1000 people towns up to 10,000 and have had only minor problems. My keys are to make sure that there is an agent in town who can manage the property, be wary of properties where the agent says I wont manage it!! Stay away from them.

    also be aware of properties where the agent does multiple jobs as their interests could be somewhat biased or miscued.

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