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  • Swifteagle replied to the topic what would you do? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 5 months ago

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you so much for the replies. I am still leaning towards the idea of paying the mortgage off and using then a line of credit to take money out for other investments. This way I save money interest wise and the money still available if required.

    If anyone else has any more suggestions I would appreciate them.

    Thanks for…[Read more]

  • Swifteagle started the topic what would you do? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 5 months ago

    Hi There,

    So I put forward my case. It is a bit of a problem, but a good one to have.

    My situation :
    31 years old
    House mortgage owing 197k, a cheap house purchased for 250k. Currently paying 5.28% interest until 2040.
    No other debts.

    The problem(good though) :

    170k cash in my offset account… What to do?
    If I put all that money towards…[Read more]

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic Weekly rent Vs Monthly rent confusion. in the forum General Property 17 years, 3 months ago

    Hey guys,I just wanted to thank you all once again for taking the time to help out.It is interesting that something that I thought was silly it is not so silly after all, since people may not have good look at it and en up with a different figure depending what approach they take.I wonder how many investors get tricked by overlooking this "silly"…[Read more]

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic Weekly rent Vs Monthly rent confusion. in the forum General Property 17 years, 3 months ago

    Hey guys thats awesome, Thank you very much.So, monthly rent times 12 and then divided by 52 weeks will give me the average weekly rent.Thank you so much you dont know how long I  was thinking about this and the more I thought of it the more confused I got, Some times you need other people and they will show you the other point of view that…[Read more]

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic renovations=capital gains or positive cashflow? in the forum General Property 17 years, 3 months ago

    How are u all?I guess what many people are doing is doing renos, getting some capital and then moving into buying properties that are going to give them +cashflow as the LVR  is lower because the are using less borrowed money!Any one agrees with me?Take care.Hope this can help.

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic Sydney First Home Buyers Expo!! in the forum So I guess u could call it 17 years, 3 months ago

    So I guess u could call it +cashflow then..may be the way to go is to gain enough capital from renos to start making deals that deliver +cashflow from rent, since finding +cashflow properities are very hard.I may be wrong.. Can anyone give any comments on my thoughts?good luck Baby

  • Gerry thanks for your post.How many properties per structure would you have, so you are not force to cross-collateralise? I hope this makes sense.creating a structure per property would not be cheap!

  • So it is better to stay away from cross-collaterasating altogether, right?

  • Guys thank you very much.It makes sense what you are saying, but then and other question came up, why would someone cross-collateralise if they could do what you guys just told me and it would be safer for them?regards.

  • Dear Tara,Basically if you dont bring down the principal, you will be paying interest forever without affecting the principal at all. Thats on a Interest loan only.

  • Mortgage Hunter Thank you very much for taking the time and reply to the post.It sure makes sense and I have to agree with your point of view.Is there any associated risk with doing so?Thank you once again.

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic Any one used their service? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 4 months ago

    Someone has to know something about this guys….please help…lolThanks guys.

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic How much is enough for deposit? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 4 months ago

    Guys It is Awesome to see your points of view.I agree with you about starting with the lower valued properties. from your own experiences, what is about the right mount of money needed for one of the lower value properties?Thanks guys once again,…..Very thankful for all your comments.

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic What Structure? [blink] in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you guys for your answers!

    I am looking getting into + gearing!

    Any Ideas?


  • Swifteagle replied to the topic but i am only 19! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago

    how are you?

    I am 20 years old and i am as well reading as much as I can , and saving like crazy. I already started a small portafolio with the stock market to try to make my money grow faster (it could as well go down, but I KEEP AN EYE ON IT , “MANAGEMENT” as steve call it.)so that way I can move into the property market.

    The only thing i have…[Read more]

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic REWARD!!!! For New company name in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 8 months ago

    Hey how are you?

    I hope I get picked, lol

    “Connections to success”

    “Right Solutions”

    “Smart Guide”

    “Blue Sky” the sky is the limit ……. LOL

    I hope this can help….


  • Swifteagle replied to the topic Is this A good Return? in the forum No Subject 18 years, 9 months ago

    Originally posted by giddo:
    Sounds like the biggest question is

    “Will the value of the property RISE?’

    I have no idea, like the others.
    Good LUck![evo]



    Hi to all…

    I Dont think the property may rise in value by very much… What i am actually looking for is Positive cash flow…

    I think…[Read more]

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic Is this A good Return? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago

    Additional Informantio…Please Help me….!!!!

    Thank you for your answers and i am sorry for the lack of Info i provided.

    I am 20 years old and I dont have a Property yet, but i am looking hard to find Positive Cashflow properties here in Australia an it has turn out harder than it looked in the books…..So i have gone outside the box and I…[Read more]

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic WRAP! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago

    Awsome, thanks guys for your time and for putting it down so well…
    I understand how the wrap works but i was not sure if you need it a positive cashflow property to be able to make it work…..

    thanks guys…thanks you so much!

  • Swifteagle replied to the topic +CASHFLOW AND TAX? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 10 months ago

    Thank you so much for you time! thats now clear in my head.

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