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  • sweeny replied to the topic Brisbane Buyer’s Agent in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 3 months ago


    Apologies for resurrecting a three-year-old thread, but it’s now 2014 and I’m looking for a buyer’s agent in Brisbane to help me locate and purchase an investment property (I live interstate). Does anyone have any current recommendations?

  • sweeny replied to the topic FINANCE & STRUCTURE for Beginners in the forum Finance 13 years, 4 months ago

    Jamie M wrote:

    sweeny wrote:
     Hi Shape, Are you able to go into more detail about the tax-deductibility of Loan 2? My understanding is that Loan 2 would be treated as new borrowings, and its tax-deductibility would be determined by what you used the funds for. If you used the $100k to buy an IP, it would be deductible but if you used the…[Read more]

  • sweeny replied to the topic FINANCE & STRUCTURE for Beginners in the forum Finance 13 years, 4 months ago

    Shape wrote:

    siraitken wrote:
    Shape,In this example is the interest on Loan 2 tax deductible?If not, what alternative solution would you recommend if you still needed the $100k for a IP deposit?Regards,Dave

    It is.
    There are many ways to achieve a similar outcome- it all depends on your overall LONG term goal and objectives ie planning a…[Read more]

  • sweeny replied to the topic NRAS and negative gearing in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years, 10 months ago

    I am currently looking at NRAS properties and would be very interested to know if someone receives any official word from the ATO on this.

  • sweeny replied to the topic FHOG and negative gearing in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    Terryw wrote:
    The purpose of the loan is to buy the house. When the house is being lived in this interest is a private expense, when being rented it is a investment expense.

    Hi Terryw, do you have a link to a website to support this? I am still not 100% convinced.

  • sweeny replied to the topic FHOG and negative gearing in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 3 months ago

    Okay, I understand that if I buy a property and live in it for 6 months, then move out and rent it out for 6 years without buying another property, I can get:- $7k via FHOG [] – a stamp duty exemption/reduction via FHOG…[Read more]

  • sweeny replied to the topic FHOG and negative gearing in the forum Thanks everyone, your posts 14 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks everyone, your posts have been extremely helpful!I was intending to get a pre-approval for an IO loan with a 100% offset account. It is likely that I will take a reduction in salary in the near future, and I want pre-approval based on my current salary. Also, I am currently spending a lot of time overseas, and wanted to reduce any hassles…[Read more]


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