After working with some real estates, I have found that the plus sign eg. 155,000+ would be the lowest price the owner would be happy to sell at and they are looking for a buyers over this price. If they don’t get any buyers then they might take less than this price. Hope that helps.
Hi Shaun, good to hear from Newbies….
This topic has been a very hot topic, and if you click on a few pages back in the topic section at the bottom, you will find lots of info[]
People have give some good websites to look-up and even some areas to check out….[^]
I hope that helps..[8D]Good Luck
Coomera is in the Hinterland of Gold Coast, close to Dreamworld.
Depends where you buy or are looking…some have town water but alot have to supply their own eg. tanks, bores, dams etc.
But prices for this area is going up. Hope that helps..[8D] from a Brisbane girl[]
I’m from Brisbane and haven’t heard anything but you could check out the Brisbane events page on :
This will often tell you of coming events especially Expo’s.
From what I can see there aren’t any houses for sale in Armidale or areas near by. eg. 20 mins drive.
Would be interested if there was something available!
Very interesting reading what everyone does…I’m Admin Officer for Youth Office. In other words, I do everything from coffee to running conferences. And hobby which pays, I am a Sports Trainer (or in simply words : First Aid lady for Netball Club and their rep teams)[]