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  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Buying in Wanganui – NZ in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    [:I] Hey everyone. Susie Langmaid & partner Aaron here – the one’s who left our beautiful Gold Coast region to come & try our reno expertise in Wanganui.
    Well, we must say we absolutely love it here. Wanganui is full of really nice people, there’s heaps of industry, great schools & uni’s and fabulous houses.
    Aaron & I did really well on our first…[Read more]

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Reno kings seminar in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    Hi all,
    Yes, go, it’s truely worthwhile. There is a range of topics for everyone, a huge manual that is yours to keep and overall a very rewarding seminar.

    Cheers big Ears!!! now moved from Gold Coast to renovate,sell!hold!! houses in N.Z.


  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Rates in QLD in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi there,
    Rocky rates are $1460.00pa

    Cheers big Ears!!!

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Rates in QLD in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    We live on the Gold Coast. I can give you a run down of rates on the Coast, Brisbane inner & outer suburbs, some rural areas or the far north coast (Rocky, Mackay etc…)

    Cheers big Ears!!! Suss

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Real Deals ? – 11 second rule in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    [:)] Hey Cookster,

    Sorry, lips are sealed, but “think outside the square”

    3 x I.P.’s in QLD, 2 x I.P.’s in N.Z.

    Remember, if it’s cashflow you’re after it doesn’t really matter what state, country you invest in.
    Cheers big Ears!!! Susie.

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Real Deals ? – 11 second rule in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Take note of Hula Queen. It’s so so true.
    Use your search engine. Type in “real estate agents Ballarat” or the town you want. Grab their e-mail addresses, send mass e-mails, you will get replies. We did!!!

    Recent purchases only:
    $50k rent $150.00pw
    $52k rent $150.00pw
    $53k rent $110.00pw

    I know how time consuming it is but just don’t give…[Read more]

  • [8D]
    Yep, just recently the N.Z. banks have changed their criteria to 20% deposit.
    You might want to contact Wizard(in N.Z. though) they are very helpfull.

    Cheers big Ears!!! Susie.

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Rent, use an agent? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Doogs,
    No, not at all. Insurance is insurance no matter who the manager is.

    Cheers big Ears!!! Suss

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Rent, use an agent? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    OOOPS!!! Having a blonde day. Only answered half your question.
    We find it pretty easy managing them ourselves.
    You can download a lease from
    We have all the rents directly deposited into our account. I ring our tenants once a month, ask how they are & if they need anything (maybe not for everyone but we find they love us for…[Read more]

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Rent, use an agent? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I notice you are in Qld. Me too(Gold Coast). Aaron & I have 5 I.P.’s, four of which are managed by ourselves.
    Seriously, it depends on the property(low maint.etc…) and on the type of tenants.
    I can tell you ‘the worst’ horror story about LJ Hooker Southport Property Management dept.
    If you do use someone to manage your investment for…[Read more]

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic urgent advice please in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Morning, Simon the man,

    Try going through an “Insurance Broker” as I’m sure they’d have come across others in your situation. I agree with the previous post, you will probably have to pay more but unfortunately that’s the way it will be. Just keep trying, someone will say ‘yes’.
    Cheers big Ears!!! Susie.

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Property Investing Bloopers in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Aaron & I were on holidays recently in N.Z.& looking for a property to purchase which needed renovating.
    Lovely agent said “yes, I have a great one for you, currently owner occupied & they’ve started the renovations but can’t finish them”.

    No wonder they can’t finish the renovating!! They obviously didn’t know where a new hot water service should…[Read more]

  • Steve, cash flow pos. plus a ‘win-win’ situation, go for it. We have two houses on the North Isl and you can only obtain finance from N.Z.
    It’s pretty easy to do it from Aust. Someone suggested Kiwi Bank – you must already have a current account for them to help you. Wizard (in N.Z.) are very helpful or I have a really good mortgage broker over…[Read more]

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic FREE Bonus Chapter in the forum Heads Up! 22 years ago

    [8D] A very good read. H.K. would charge $15 grand for this info!!!

    Cheers big Ears!!!

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Run, It’s A Herd stampede !! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hey Bruce G
    You must have a brother called Paul right?
    If not, he maybe your cousin, right?

    It’s usually Cheers big Ears!!!
    But in your case it’s
    Cheers big Mouth!!!

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic buying direct from vendor? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Kirby,
    We’ve just sold privately ie; no agent.
    As a purchaser make sure you take the contract to your solicitor for review first. Why not add your own clause into the contract, make sure your deposit is by bank cheque but filled out to the vendors solicitors trust account.
    Hope this helps. Regards, Susie.

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic IP-Brisbane mkt in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Welcome Vindaman,
    If this is a deal flying into Queensland, I’d urge you to please look into this further as it sounds like 2 tier marketing to me, this is where the developer hires agents to sell their own developments & offers the agents BIG commissions so they’d sell anything to anyone even their own grannies!!!
    Cheers big Ears!!! Susie. (Gold…

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Roll Call in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    [8D]O.K. My turn. Yep – Name Susie & partner Aaron.I’m a ‘very young’ 43 but doing “REALLY” well as Aaron is only 31!!! Was doing well for myself working my u no wot off in Sydney and had lots of $$$ & my own ppor, unfortunately for me got burned by an addict, no didn’t see it coming but very lucky to come home to the Gold Coast with only $40k to…[Read more]

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic ozzie investing in NZ..Question? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Afternoon Heidic,
    1. Yes, you must have 20% deposit & re drawing on your equity is o.k.
    2. You need to find a really good mortgage broker and need to buy on a “stand alone” basis.
    3. Don’t forget that rental attracts 12.5% G.S.T.
    4. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL – you must know your areas. Do lots & lots of homework.

    Cheers big Ears!!! Susie.

  • susie_langmaid_2 replied to the topic Message for minimogul in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Well done Mini, I’m really impressed and can say that I know “that” feeling as well. My partner is a Kiwi & we are investing in N.Z. as well.
    Have a fab holiday & lots of R&R & C’s (cocktails!!!)
    Can u please get in touch with me when you get back from your well deserved rest.

    Ta. Susie

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