Wow look at page 13, “Sydney House Prices” they did exactly what i said, a straight line up until 1990!! :D:D hehehe I’m happy about that that was independant thought [blush2]
Hehe I’m too slow, you already updated with link wow, this looks like good stuff… time to read the whole thing. Thanks also wayneL [blush2]
Now… how about some opposing views? I love understanding (or trying to understand) both sides. I usually google one bias, then the other to try and get a balance. Actually that is one of the reasons I’m…[Read more]
Ta Foundation,
actually I was going to add a bullet point on demographics. The official forcast is for 25 million people by 2050 and very little, if any growth there after. I do no believe that a 25% increase is enough to strain supply. Australia is 98% the size of continental USA, which has ~300 mil, albeit Aus is a little less temperate, read…[Read more]
Hi Dr Bell,
I actually have a similar question. Since I live O.S. what is the general opinion of using services that find properties for you? Are these the same ‘buyers agents’? And then leading on to the question above, “are they worth their money in bargaining for the property”? Can anyone maybe offer some references so we can look at what they…[Read more]
Thanks for the input Tim. My wife and I are still considering partnerships, but they do add further complications. I think we’d prefer other options. But thanks again.
Thanks for the reply, but I really don’t want to invest in the U.S. My wife and I will only be here for a few more years and don’t want the complexity of managing U.S. investments from Australia long-term. Also, our buying power is far less over here, this in turn cuts our ability to manage risk across multiple properties. We really want to know…[Read more]