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  • sunnydays replied to the topic Buying Display Homes in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Tim,
    I am in the process of buying a display home and leasing it back to the builder at the moment.
    The house I am purchasing is at current market value in comparison to other properties around it and the lease back is at 7% of the purchase price.
    I am having some trouble however raising the money from the bank as they dont recognise the 7%…[Read more]

  • sunnydays replied to the topic Roxby Downs in the forum General Property 18 years, 8 months ago

    I am seriously looking at buying property in Roxby, but I am not totally convinced that I can get a proeprty that will give me a good enough return. Does anyone else have any opinions or suggestions?

    The mine has been given the go ahead to expand and the town is going to expand with the influx of workers, is there any plans for the town to…[Read more]


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