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  • Profile photo of Subzero

    Thanks guys for your responses this has been really helpful

    Profile photo of Subzero
    Profile photo of Subzero


    The answer is simple really.
    First I do NOT pay real estate agents to acquire leads from them under any circumstances.

    The whole premise of my business is based on the fact that I am there to help them build their business. Its a win win situation when you put it to them like that. I will help increase their business by introducing pre-approved buyers to them. I can’t promise them a lot of buyers each month but everyone helps them as much as it helps me.

    Second I would in your case offer to sit on open for inspections with him /her to help out with enquiries about finance at the open for inspection. This is usually very successful, however I don’t have time for this anymore.

    Third, offering outstanding service or quick approval times is a must, but you have to be able to perform. Outline to them how fast you can get approval by comparison to a broker for example. But you have to be able to do what you say you can. I can turn a loan around in 24 hours at max for a pre approval. If you can do the same then you can explain to him that it will help him to get his commission faster.

    By the way, if you do this you can ask him for a referral to a solicitor that they deal with even before you start getting leads from him /her and start warming up the solicitor to. Its all about networking. And the first and foremost thing that I have found with this type of networking is, that is easier to get in the door of a solicitors office or an accountant or a real estate office if you have a warm referral. If you ask the question of the real estate person, “So you must have some good solicitors that you deal with that you could help me recommend to my borrower’s, who could you recommend I talk to. So the real estate guy or girl says John Smith from Bowdens lawyers is excellent. You ask, do you think you could give me his details or better yet, as you have an existing relationship with him could you give him a call for me NOW (while you are in his office) and introduce me to him so I can go and see him.

    When you get in front of the solicitor ask him what other real estate people he does business with and soon you have an army of contacts that will start referring business to you.

    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of Subzero

    Heres an idea I have used a lot in the past. As a lender for another bank I have always specialised in the investment area. Simply because the loans are better and the investors are usually a better quality of customers, more qualified to know exactly what they want.

    If you approach real estate agents do it on the basis that you only want to talk to the one that is the best in the office. Do not deal with all agents in the one office, “only the best”. They are easy enough to get to as they usually have the most listings in the paper or the trophy’s on the wall to prove it. The reason I only ever deal with the best is simply because they are highly motivated and want to succeed. You have to demonstrate how you can help them succeed.. In other words you need to sell them on your “UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION”. Why should they deal with you over who they are dealing with now.

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