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  • stuart_a_powell27501 replied to the topic Mortgagee Sales – Who Suffers in the forum No Subject 17 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks to all of those that posted a reply. I suppose the answer is pretty straightforward. If you do participate in a mortgagee sale, you may be helping out the original owner; there is no way of knowing. There’s a fair chance that you are buying at round (and maybe slightly under) market value; only your research and local knowledge will tell.…[Read more]

  • stuart_a_powell27501 replied to the topic Westpac and Defence Force Housing in the forum General Property 18 years, 9 months ago

    Originally posted by francisl:

    Finally, it would be much appreciated if anyone can suggest how to make DHA investment CF positive.

    Hi Francis,

    CF Positive meaning your income is greater than your expenses? Ensure that your deposit is high enough to ensure that your loan repayments and other expenses are covered by your rent. This means…[Read more]

  • stuart_a_powell27501 replied to the topic Westpac and Defence Force Housing in the forum No Subject 18 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Steve,

    I haven’t read all of the responses yet, but can offer the following in regards to your queries.
    Do you think Defence Force housing sounds like a good idea? Have you ever owned a defence force house, and if so, what
    has been your experience?
    I thought the investment sounded good in 2000 when I first invested through DHA. At the time, I…[Read more]


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