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Stuart G

  • Stuart G replied to the topic About Vendor Finance in the forum Finance 13 years ago

    Thanks to Richard and SGermain for your comments. SGermain may I ask where you are getting your training from, how much does it cost and how long does it take to become certified?regardsStuart

  • Stuart G replied to the topic About Vendor Finance in the forum Finance 13 years ago

    Dear allI am confused. I am currently a Rick Otton student in one of his Go Direct groups. I personally own a block of land in Darwin and a house in South East Queensland. It is my intention to VF the sale of these using installment contracts. Can you please explain if I need to be licenced under the national legislation. Seems a bit extreme that…[Read more]

  • I have the complete set of Carly's most recent DVDs, manual and bootcamp notes for sale. The folders are like new unwritten in and all is available for $950.00 (incl. postage & Handling). If you are interested please contact me at

  • Stuart G replied to the topic rock and hard place in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Congrats JW on taking action that is something that the majority of the population never does and puts you ahead of the pack. Whilst Steve's books reflect a cash flow positive approach to investing, you really need to go to whoop whoop to achive good positive cash flow, which is obtained at the sacrifice of capital growth.  Most high cash flow…[Read more]

Stuart G