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  • Profile photo of stitch88stitch88
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 2

    this has been a huge learning curve!!

    The real estate is a friend of ours didn't put subject to finance cause she said why bother buying the place then! She did state in contract she referred us to the legal advisors and why she did she said was because they had dealt with a number of people buying from the same property so all searches required had already been done. Sounded fine At the time.

    We r currently waiting to see what our broker can do for us re finance we may just have to walk away better to lose the deposit than risk other properties we hold. Price was 372K with furniture package valuation 330. But even 2 other properties we have we thought the valuations would have been higher.

    We are also in negotiations to reduce the original price due to poor valuation price. If we decide to walk away then I will get independant legal advice to see if we have any recourse.

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