StingrayBirke replied to the topic South Port Headland Investment in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Corie wrote:
I remember Western Sydney associate professor of economics and finance Steve Keen bet Margaret Lomas that house prices would fall by 40% after the global financial crisis. After he lost the bet he amended his comment to say that the predicted 40 per cent housing price drop would occur over 10 to 15 years.Good point on Steve Keen.…[Read more]
StingrayBirke replied to the topic Home Study Reccommendations in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
I think you should study these charts very closely……. then decide whether you think property is in a bubble!
StingrayBirke replied to the topic Real estate industry pays spruikers and shills to post positive spin on forums? in the forum General Property 13 years ago
And furthermore, evidence of Astroturfing from this blogger
StingrayBirke replied to the topic Who’s doin’ what in 2011? in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years ago
I'm deleveraging, big time, the crash is on our doorstep and I wouldn't want to be left holding the bag!Link – Australian House Price CrashIt's a long way dooooowwwnnnn…….
StingrayBirke replied to the topic Can property make you rich in five years? in the forum Rich in five years? If what 14 years ago
Rich in five years? If what I read here is true more likely bankrupt in five years!Link ….. Australia's Debt Driven Housing Bubble"… clearly shows that there was unusual and disproportional increase of house prices relative to any other leading economic indicator. House price increase cannot be justified by wage growth, CPI, interest…[Read more]
StingrayBirke replied to the topic Australian Property Bubble (article on Associated Press) in the forum General Property 14 years ago
casanovawa wrote:
After a property bust initially more tenants might be selling up homes and looking for rentals perhaps pushing up rents, but then depending on how much prices dropped, if rents were still sky high and houses/mortgages became much more affordable, i imagine it would drive people back into house ownership which would then…[Read more]StingrayBirke replied to the topic Ezines article about a possible property bubble in the forum Opinionated! 14 years ago
NoCredit wrote:
Worth a read:Full article is here: Australia's Property Bubble? Quite a balanced article. The author presents a good case for and against. I'm leaning towards an extended period of flat house prices (down a bit in real terms). If the government intervenes again it could easily go the other way.Excellent article! Spot on!
StingrayBirke replied to the topic Australian Property Bubble (article on Associated Press) in the forum Not a bad write-up on the 14 years ago
Not a bad write-up on the bubble. I like where he said….. "Sadly, the exponential growth of property related debt in Australia has created nothing positive for most Australians. While the explosion in property credit may have boosted GDP figures, it has not manifested in any real production or productivity gains. Instead, it indicates…[Read more]