Another thing to remember is, depending on how you structure your loan repayments either, weekly, fortnightly, twice monthly or monthly. Make sure your direct debit facilty recieves the money before the loan repayment is due.
Its best to organise with the agent if you can have money directly debited to your account on specific dates of every month to ensure, that there is money there, when the repayment is due.
I just checked in, in setting up my own buyers agent as well.
First problem is, legally by law you are not allowed to spot property to some one else and charge a fee. If you do there is a $24,000 on the spot fine.
I aint kidding, i just checked this out, so if you want to set up a buyers agent its best to do this legally and to go through the legal process.
Secondly this law passed through last September.
If you would like more informatin for info of this,
When you reply, make sure you click on Add Reply, which will allow you to click on icons. Depending were the inserting cursor is, that is were your smiley icon will appear in your text.
You know how you can retire on $1 dollar. Yes $1 dollar.
Win 20 rounds of playing black and red on roulette, with out losing and doubling each bet. After 20 rounds of winnings and doubling your bet, you will have over $1 million.
Stickies are good post, to be left when important information, must be left on the forum thread.
Such importatn information or messages that everyone needs to be read, is best to be posted as a sticy, as no one can reply to another thread and make your thread disappear because of new topics being posted.
Stickies will aways stay above new threads and can only be removed or pushed down, when the sticky allocation or code has been removed.
I also agree, by your words that you use too, though one good way that i have been able to avoid annoying tenants, and tenants with a bad history is by, when selecting a PM to manage the properties, i offer them and negotiate a deal of were we both will have a win win situation, through pre organised agreements.
If they dont hold up there end of the bargain, they lose my service, and any other properties currently being managed by them.
Maybe harsh, but i do provide them with excellent incentives.
There are alot of guest online, or either, they are just under invsible mode. But just one moment ago, i saw on active members online, there were 97 guest.
Shows that the site is a great success, though who are the other 97 people…..
This site is fabolus now, but i was wondering if it is possible. On the link to active topics page. When you click on there it shows the lastest active topic.
Would it be possible to also have the board statistics at the very bottom of this page…. Showing who is also currently online.
You have it listed on the Link All Forums.
Would be much appreicated, as it saves time from going from one page, back to another page to see who is online.