quote:For all investors, pretend you have no CG and are starting out with a 20% deposit. What would you do in the property market now? What would you buy?
To be honest first thing is, out of that 20% deposit, i would buy last sundays newspaper. As it has areas of 2004 predicted for capital gain. They also predict, even with…[Read more]
quote:I wouldn’t buy anything that will appreciate in a company name as if you do sell, you will be subject to 30% tax – there is no CGT exemption for companies.
If someone lived in Sydney couldn’t afford to buy there so bought an IP elsewhere, is it possible to buy a PPOR in later years and still claim the FHOG?
Yes, you are still able to claim the FHOG, hence the words. First Home Owners Grant. Just a little loop hole… but very…[Read more]
One good thing about the FHOG, is if you have had no interest in property before July 2000, you are eligible for a FHOG, unless, if you have… your are not eligible at all,
But lets say you have purchased any number of IP after July 2000, yet not one ever being a PPOR, you are still qualifed for FHOG.
Definetly will be coming to the next meeting for sure, have noticed exactly the same thing too, many good investments are just being snapped and taken so quick.
They are getting much harder to find, yet i wouldnt be too worried, your doing very well still. And i gotta admit, you have a healthy, but very well diverse property…[Read more]
Problem with selling a property is, your encur to many fees and charges just to sell the property and then you are taxed on the profits made. Ideally this might be good if you need to liquidate and you need a quick cash injection, but redrawing equity from a property, avoids you from having to sell your property but also you dont…[Read more]
lol, just been really lucky thats all, been keeping low and quite about this town, though very excited about it. Has all amenties there and commodities, yet still keeping it very low profile for the moment.
Just curious Redwing, do you work at nights? lots of your posts are at night and in the early mornings.
$250k property is alot of money to service, if the property is currently negative geared. It could be a very long time before its +ve geared too. In doing so you could limit yourself and miss out on many potential buys.
Its good to see that you have a strategy in mind, though i do feel you are limiting your…[Read more]
Did get 2 more, properties, so techniqually on 13, but settlement date is not due for another few more days.
Yet, ive changed strategy for the moment and have been helping family members and close family members get into the property investing market, by helping and providing as much finance and equity for them.
Just becareful with tempation, unless you are able to caculate and mitigate the risk, by selling the property just before a flood, or due to someone elses poor due dilligence.
Though temptation is what can make or break a person.
If you do decide to go with TPG or any ISP, where ever you go or choose to connect your ADSL, either be at home or somewhere else. Make sure the person telephone lins is a digital connection.
In doing so, as long as the person telephone line or where ever you connect, is Digital. Your laptop will recieve DSL connection. If not…[Read more]
Just be very careful, in buyin property in Rockhampton in flood zone areas. Have looked at many, yet been discourage and turned off from purchasing properties in flood zone areas.