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  • Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
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    Not sure what to make of this post…

    Anyway, Channel 7 haven’t done any follow up stories yet and I don’t know if they will…???…

    Truth be told, the MAP people didn’t want the publicity because being on TV made the going tougher when doing deals.

    As for numbers, 20 or so started and now there are 13 left. The ones that have departed simply recognised the opportunity is not for them given changes in life circumstance and the fact that I required a blood sacrifice of their first born child.

    As for progress… everyone is achieving at different paces. Still, the latest gossip is we have our first person to control $1m worth of +ve cashflow property acquired since the start of the MAP – and no, it’s not property I’ve offloaded to them.

    Seven months in it’s still going well, not without hic cups, but I’m damn proud of the challenges people have faced and overcome.

    For the cynics… take some chill pills and wait for the messenger, good things come to those that wait.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

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    I’d have to agree with you fitness.

    For me it is a struggle to mention what I do becuase it places me in a context that a lot of people don’t understand.

    Sadly, friends have come and gone along the way and will no doubt continue to do so. Having said that, other friends have been there well before it started, so there is something even more special.

    In many ways the friends that pass on are as a result of us losing that ‘something in common’, kind of like when high school ends and people move on.

    It’s nothing personal, just a change in interests – like when you have kids and some of your friends remain single… you just gravitate to those friends you have that understand the kidilink issues.

    As for the posts here about half truths etc. Nonsense. It displays a lack of understanding by not living in the situation. I tell people I meet I’m an accountant – I need to do this to provide a context that people can understand.

    It’s not about money… it’s about the way life is.


    Steve McKnight

    P.S. What is ‘bsdn’?

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Wow – three fantastic replies!

    Westan – great to see you back on the forums and I hope the move went OK. Where are you based – North or South Island?

    Dave and I sold a significant chunk of our property portfolio last year – the deals that only serious investors would buy such as blocks of units. We did this because:

    1. The price we got was nothing short of insane given the yields.
    2. We thought the market of possible buyers would dry up quickly if rates increased and some of the hype went of the market.

    In hindsight, we could probably have held on a bit longer and maybe eeked out a further $10,000 – but I was happy to be out of the market.

    We are sitting atop a small pile of cash at the moment, pausing for breath to see what the market does and looking for the next opportunity. Yesterday we looked at buying a Video Ezy, we’ve also been looking into sale and leaseback of car washes, and we have an eye out for self storage places too (although these seem to be a bit pricy).

    We still own about 130 or so properties though – mainly single family buy and hold houses and wrapped properties.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    For more information on this virus and a free utility to clean it visit:


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Not suggesting that you sent it at all… just clarifying that I seriously doubt that the source was from us.

    Although, with the number of e-mails we get a day, approx 30 or 40 of them are advice from our virus protection software that so-and-so sent a virus and it has been removed.

    Bill – I’ve started a thread ( about where the market goes from here and I’d love to read your opinion.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Hi Leigh is right…

    Bill it is likely that you have my e-mail address stored in one of your e-mail boxes, in a contact list or something similar.

    Or alternatively, someone who has your e-mail address also has my e-mail address and the virus added the two together and tried to replicate itself via e-mail that way.

    We are very anal in our office about being vigilent with viruses, so rest assured, it did not come to you via an infection at our end.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Aw, come on…

    Perhaps it’s also that, for those of us who believe in democracy, some have given up in putting their opinion. They’ve become disenfranchised, if you will.

    I only clamp down when people can’t express an opinion in a civil way. Just as you have your say re people ‘helping’, the same is true of people being critical.

    Let’s just lump it all in ‘opinionated’ so people who want to get involved on that side of the discussion can.

    I think it’s quiet down here because people became sick of the bickering and moved on to more constructive discussion points in other forums.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Indeed – welcome back, although I share Del’s interest in knowing why you’ve jumped back in given the incidents of late last year.

    Still, it doesn’t really matter. Let’s just get on with helping people with their investing with some useful and thought provoking discussion.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Looks like a reasonably new building… I’d try and find the reason for selling and be checking what’s happening the area before going too much further.

    Check the yellow pages for a builder in the area… s/he is probably the person who built it!

    I doubt that you could build it for that price, so someone is taking a hit somewhere.


    Steve McKnight

    P.S. Click here to see the sort of properties that I buy… Click here

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    The rule of thumb is higher debt, bigger risk.

    Personally, with things as they are at the moment, I don’t think there’s too much risk of interest rates moving beyond 7.5% in the next few years.

    I think the article assumes that investors keep gearing levels high (maybe on an I/O basis) – my advice is that if you have a plan for getting into debt, you also need a plan to get out of debt. Nearly all our loans are P&I.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    It is the senselessness that is astonishing. Here’s a guy, at the peak of his professional life, who’s contribution to be life has been snuffed out.

    Let’s hope that all those involved are comforted and can find peace.

    Thoughts to the family and friends of those affected.

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
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    When the new forums came online I split up the one generic Property Plus into smaller forums so people with a particular interest could post to a more relevant area.

    All old posts remain in the archive area.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Why is it when I add my opinion it is seen as suggesting that someone else’s is invalid? [:(]

    I don’t want or desire Leigh to have the same opinion as me, I was just giving clarification to the issue at hand from my perspective.

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Post Count: 1,763

    Hi… sounds like a nasty situation.

    So you keep the deposit, right? But before you go ahead and sue, make sure there is some bread in the cupboard.

    Or perhaps this is a chance for you to lease-option or wrap the property and come to a win-win outcome?

    Solve problems and you’ll make cashflow!


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Talk about an interesting post. Note that I have moved it to opinionated as it is better suited there.

    The idea behind the $25 is simply to stop the time wasters from e-mailing and doing nothing. I’d imagine that if you went on to buy then the fee would be rebated.

    B&T asked that if I was doing it, what would I do and I replied strata the replies between those who were genuine and those who weren’t. The best way to do this… ask for a nominal fee. I never said the amount though (well, I can’t recall saying it).

    As for making the deals public… you’re kidding right? That would be an insult for those who did pay. Forget it!

    Personally, being privy to the amount of work that these guys have done to find the deals, paying a nominal fee to have a deal presented and the numbers analysed would be a good if not great way to leverage time.

    I guess some people see opportunity, others don’t.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Fair enough. Criticism accepted.

    But… Leigh, I gave you a book close to Xmas… should I give everyone a free book in the sake of fairness, or should I show my appreciation and reward you for the help that you’ve offered me?

    Perhaps the people concerned don’t post as much as some, perhaps they have helped out in other ways and this is one of the ways I am able to return the favour.

    As you know and others know, I’m more than generous to people who help out.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Finally… I’ve found a half decent photo and now it’s in my profile.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Hi Leigh,

    Aren’t you married [8]?

    Nah, unless I felt really compelled I’d have shaken my head but not said anything.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
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    Both Ch 9 and Ch 7 have done pro wrapping stories before, it’s just that the flavour of the month is now it’s ripping people off.

    I invited Ch 9 to go back and interview the 3 people they spoke to a couple of years ago to see how it has worked for them, but they weren’t particularly interested in that side to the story.

    I was not able to go on camera due to an agreement I have with Ch 7 and giving them an exclusive over the MAP.

    Make no mistake, there are some who are doing the wrong thing and breaking the law… I see it as an issue of enforcing the laws which are there to protect.

    Consumer Affairs here in Vic has started doing just that, so those doing the wrong things will hopefully be taken to task.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
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    The link to the report you’re looking for is:

    Don’t know David’s details… perhaps do a member search using the Members option in the LH menu (you’ll need to be signed in).


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

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