stephen@longwater replied to the topic financing off the plan purchase in the forum Finance 14 years, 5 months ago
My experience is that the lender will fund on the basis for the lesser of the 2; contract or val. That has been in policy for sometime, but havent come across any scemarios of that sort for a while so not clear where policy is today.
stephen@longwater replied to the topic Finance structure in the forum Finance 14 years, 5 months ago
95% Is the pretty much the max lend on a residential ppty in mainstream lending channels. Be mindful that a 95% lend is a lot harder to get these days than in previous years. A 90% lend is a better LVR as it opens up the spectrum of loan products across all lenders so if you can get in there it will be a better all round result for you. There are…[Read more]
stephen@longwater replied to the topic Are Destiny Financial Services the real deal? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 5 months ago
Hi Lisa,You have received some very good feedback that I hope will assist you in your portfolio development. The progam that Destiny run is for all intents and purpose a pretty good one and Margaret Lomas is by far an away my biggest influence as a personal investor and professional broker. I have been involved in property as a personal investor…[Read more]