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  • stefanko replied to the topic Dodgy Real estate agent in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 6 months ago

    …i’m gonna keep your cash as compensation for stuffing me around, lost momentum of sale program and for potential further loss in the event i have to sell it for less…

    i am not 100% sure but since all realestate sales have to be in writting, if someone “changes his mind” before signing, you must give him his deposit back by law, coz there was…[Read more]

  • stefanko replied to the topic Hurstville, Create your destiny seminar in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 6 months ago

    just came back from there, was cool, Steve said something like there is a country he invests now, where you can currently buy a house for cca $7.000 with a weekly rent of $100 and you dont need a gun to collect the rent. Anyone knows where this heaven could be??? …would move there right away!! My guess Bulgaria?? Estonia?? Dubai??

    …have to go…[Read more]


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