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  • Steelar replied to the topic “property managers” too busy to manage properties! in the forum Opinionated! 15 years ago

    Hey Guys,Just thought I would add my 2 cents to this topic. I'm a 'Pom' moved over from the UK about 4 years ago and decided to keep my PPOR and rent out to the market. I found what I thought was decent management agent and paid for their full serice given I was the other side of the world and dealing with any tenancy issues would be next to…[Read more]

  • Steelar replied to the topic Property options, What the hell am I missing? in the forum Creative Investing 15 years ago

    Hi David,Would you care to share some of your experiences in Property Options? I'm not really after specifics as such but would love to know how you got into it and what type of deals you have done that gave you cash in the bank.Cheers

  • Hi Paul,Thanks for your reply.To be honest it was more along the lies of the first "model" you describe, that is to secure the property with a call option and then try to increase its value before onselling the option.However, I am intrigued by your second model to which you are more accustomed to. Do you mean you secure a residential property…[Read more]
