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  • Stage replied to the topic Appliances that are rental friendly – How can you tell in the forum Cheers for the feedback all 15 years, 3 months ago

    Cheers for the feedback all

  • Stage replied to the topic SMOKING BAN in a block of units??? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 9 months ago

    I was thinking about this while i enjoyed driving four km/hr across Brisbane's fantastically designed road network today.  If a body corp could impose this sort of ruling wouldn't that decrease the number of potential tennants and therefore decrease the revenue potential of the property? 

  • Stage replied to the topic Flats in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Yeah all good comments there from Mister, Scott and IP Freely.  I thought there must be a good reason why people don't build flats anymore.  When I first moved to the city in 1988 I lived in a big old house that had been divided up into flats.  I wonder if people are still doing that sort of thing now-days?  The accommodation wasn't flash but it…[Read more]


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