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  • Profile photo of spongefingersspongefingers
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    I didn’t say you had no common sense I just said you hadn’t done the numbers correctly/seriously or simply hadn’t done enough homework, certainly from a QLD perspective. Premium prices are paid for authentic well restored QLDers.

    Profile photo of spongefingersspongefingers
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Hmmm, I’m not knocking you russ but your after tax deal realises about 2 cartons of beer a week. You will need a hell of a lot of those to retire with a lifestyle to achieve all those things you have worked hard for. You will need another degree of magnitude to make you truly wealthy. On the other hand just two of my -ve geared props that McKnight says are so bad have gained me over $1M in equity over the last 2.5 yrs.
    Hmmm I think they were worth the holding costs.

    Profile photo of spongefingersspongefingers
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Yes, us ‘banana benders’ on occasion do something like that.
    Houses aren’t exactly ‘cut’ off at the stumps.
    Are you in QLD? Costs can be way less than mysta suggests but there are many factors to consider. Most councils will require a bond, could be up to 20K, until the work is complete. Most will have to inspect an approve the house prior to the move.
    Time involves not only the council approvals, but locating a suitable house and the removalists timeframes, traffic control etc etc,.
    If approached properly it can be very rewarding. And yes the numbers can stack up, very favourably, anyone who says they can’t hasn’t done their homework.

    Profile photo of spongefingersspongefingers
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    OK, I’m 42 retired, I guess, that is I don’t work for someone any more, I have a house on the east coast, I sail A LOT. I have some property, it generates a nice income but there is no doubt the net value is a far better result than the number of properties owned. If you wish to follow your dreams,, net worth counts, not cashflow. Just ask your bankers.

    Profile photo of spongefingersspongefingers
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    I believe both howard and costello have discredited the productivities commissions findings in this regard.
    I also believe it is interesting to see the same of what we have seen before.
    I feel it is the makings of the cycles that offer the opportunity to create wealth, that being the case, the cycle is set and their is little the average investor can do to influence it, and in return will achieve nothing than modest returns. But influenced it will be.
    A Labour government may well be elected, for the ‘non reason’ of we need a change if nothing else.
    We are already seeing Latham suggesting abolishment of neg gearing, stamp duty changes. State Labour govs have already starting penalising those saving for there retirement and attempting build wealth, OBVIOUSLY A BAD THING in their eyes.
    Abolishment of neg gearing in Keatings treasury days say rents go through the roof, this is good in the eyes of those seeking returns on investments, however when recindered, rents didn’t drop dramatically.
    I guess its time for another twist in the cycle, and I’m always good for the idea that the bigger players will always control the game and we can ride along with them.
    If you own less than substantial amounts of property and feel you have a handle on the market think again.
    The cycles in property, as in other asset classes exist for a reason, to make a minority very wealthy, not so an insignificant few can feel the can break from their mortal coils and roam with the truly wealthy.

    Profile photo of spongefingersspongefingers
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    always present the offer in writing, the agent is then bound by law to present your offer to the vendor. pretty simple really.

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