At long last! After 4 days of only getting to the front home page, I finally managed to get into the forum and what peace it is to find that others have been having the same problem! Still having trouble getting back to the general discussion after posting a reply though!
Looking forward to the improvement Steve!
do not become emotionally involved when looking for an IP. do the due diligence and if the area is stable, the rental outlook is bright and the numbers add up, then looking like a “dump” could be to your advantage. it also offers the prospect of improvement through renovations.
[]hi battz71
Rich Dad’s Prophecy to me – set in usa, super funds of individuals basically in share market, cash in shares to survive (like pension), but as more and more baby boomers dump shares to convert to money, share prices may go down, requiring more shares to be converted to cash and so the prices may tumble. Questions? Will their super…[Read more]
[]hi stoph
some towns also have their own website (local council/tourist bureau) if you do a google search on them. we checked out some towns this way and found some interesting information.
Late 40ish, think like a 25 year old. Owned PPOR 20 years ago and wondered what to do next! Wish we had the benefit of hindsight. Realised that pension may not exist for those of us born after late 50s and listened to parents having difficult time on pension. Bought first IP 6 years ago and have bought and traded some more since then. Our…[Read more]
There are still places available that show a good return. It might be worth while looking in areas where there is a higher demand for rent. The return is made over the long term in rental, so if you have a tennant who pays just below the market rate and is both happy and secure for a long time then the reward will be security of…[Read more]
There are still places available that show a good return. It might be worth while looking in areas where there is a higher demand for rent. The return is made over the long term in rental, so if you have a tennant who pays just below the market rate and is both happy and secure for a long time then the reward will be security of…[Read more]
[]hi galvie,
Good on you!
I’m also a teacher but work with primary age students in a public system that is outcomes not content focussed – very fortunate!
Our two sons are involved in every family business meeting and kept informed of what we are doing. Their input is valued. They started playing cashflow for kids several years ago, and now love…[Read more]
[]hi simon,
with regards to a professional library, as a teacher i keep a list of all books purchased with yearly updates, and give it to my accountant to sort out. there is depreciation to be claimed, so check it out.
Last Saturday’s realestate section of the Advertiser might be of some help. Page 13 tells of a catalogue auction on Tuesday 2nd September with 17 maisonettes being offered for sale. Prices are expected to start from 28k. Mannie has done some good work for you with the stats. I can on offer additionally that the Whyalla local…[Read more]
Melanie covered it pretty well with the dollars and cents. I think that a loan has to be styled to suit your circumstance. I/O loans are or can be very advantages depending on your personnel tax situation. If after the tax axe falls you have some left over then it can be applied to reducing the principal. (refer maximus) Have a…[Read more]
Hi everyone,
Next Cashflow 101 game is on Friday 12 September – all invited. 7pm Guide Hall, Stuart Tce, Alice Springs – see you there!! You too Sooshie!
What are you looking for “Capitol gains or Cashflow”?
Negative or neutral properties abound and then the tax implications can provide the +cf but a lot of people purchase in this environment to take advantage of the profit at the point of sale.
Maybe you could look at other centres other than major regional areas.
Gidday doogs,
We live in a perfectly good three/four bedroom steel framed shed. Our temperature range is extreme from -4 to 44 degrees. It does expand and contract on the average day whether it is winter or summer. Usually this tends to occur at night when we have the largest temperature variation or in the morning when it is heating up. You do…[Read more]
If negative gearing was abolished then it would have a run on crippling effect on the country. If the interest rates then went up the crippled would be crippled again. As melanie suggested there would be a lot of property available. It would be a matter of positioning yourself prior to the onset to take advantage of the…[Read more]
Gidday fuzzy40,
If you rent your unit out and it is either positive or neutral geared, then it sounds like you are on the edge of your interest rate. I would suggest to build a threshold for yourself at this time giving yourself an interest buffer margin. After this look further into reinvesting and expanding your portfolio.
Gidday mitch,
crashy is spot on. Reduce the debt as fast as you can. Minimise the use of your credit cards. Once paid down then have their limit reduced to absolute necessity for emergencies. The second car would be costing more in rego, fuel etc than what you have valued it at, or maybe you could quit the pulsar and keep the ford. Have a…[Read more]
Gidday argyle610,
What you have said is probably representative of a large portion of the country at this time. Another alternative would possibly be to change your stratergy and look for a different type of property. Possibly looking at comercial instead of residential. That might help provide you with a forward momentum.