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  • Spicy replied to the topic Premium Finance in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Aquarius69,Thank you for your comments regarding your view of my post.  I would have liked to have heard from Kylie herself regarding how she interpreted my posts.  I can't assume to know what she is thinking.I also started my first post asking for information from people who had been to the meetings so I could get informed information from th…[Read more]

  • Spicy replied to the topic Premium Finance in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Kylie71,   I hope your company is a bit more professional than you are, as your approach at disclosing MY personal infomation on this forum is very un-professional.   I suppose you thought it would be funny to post my name to inform me that you knew who I was.  Well, I was not for one minute trying to hid who I was.  As I am sure that there aren&…[Read more]

  • Spicy replied to the topic Premium Finance in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 4 months ago

     Gee I am sorry, I didn't mean to start a war.Aquarius69, thank you for your comments, this is what I was asking for (someone who had been there).  I didn't feel that Richard was bagging the company, just advising me to be careful I think.  And yes, for the price of a coffee, I think hearing what HE has to say would be a good idea as well so th…[Read more]

  • Spicy replied to the topic Premium Finance in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Thank for the advise guys, I will phone Richard on Monday to see if we can catch up while I am in Brisbane and have a chat over that coffee.My hubby and I have made a big deal NOT to sign anything, just to enjoy the trip and try and learn something.  I don't think that Premium Finance is going to be too happy with us anyway as we will have our 3…[Read more]

  • Spicy replied to the topic Premium Finance in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Hello, I am a newbie to your forum and am very interested in finding out about this Premium Finance company as my hubby and I are due to visit their Brisbane office at the end of this month and I was not too sure about them.  As we will be going during the week, not the week-end we have been charged $195, but I have noticed that on the itinerary…[Read more]


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