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speedy gonzales

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic First Financed Property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    Hi Streamline. Well done. From someone who used to be on this forum a lot…I know this is something you have wanted to achieve for a while so again well done. I am not sure what the laws are like in Florida for executing the documents but in my past experience dealing with Texas banks….the mortgage docs needed to be signed either at the US…[Read more]

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic INPROP USA Good or Bad in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    Scott makes a valid point. I purchased my portfolio a few years back so got in when the AUD was above parity. The drop in the AUD means if I were to sell today I would make a gain based just on the exchange rate alone but I have no intention to sell at this stage. Then as Engelo says……the AUD is likely to go even lower so perhaps get in now ??…[Read more]

  • Cheeves,

    Yes some arguments going to and fro and at times can seem a bit childish. What you have to appreciate however is that Freckle is playing the devils advocate. Nigel is presenting an arguement why we should buy in Florida…specifically the product he is trying to sell. Freckle is on the other side and pointing out that no factual evidence…[Read more]

  • I'd love to participate in this discussion guys but past experience tells me that Ryan from US Invest will jump onto the forum and he & I will get into a heated debate about how they rip off ALL there clients. Then the forum moderators end up deleting the posts which is to the detriment of all those on the forum.

    Get it through your heads…..all…[Read more]

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic US Invest in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    Search past forum posts to get some idea of who your asking about. Unfortunately the forum moderators removed some comments….the last one was deleted was from someone who had some very interesting comments about their supposed New Jersey office.

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic Buying in NZ in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    Yes they certainly do. You can get up to 80% LVR. Pretty well the same process you would go through with Aussie banks. I have a good broker based in Auckland if that helps.

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic BuyingUSArealestate in the forum Todd, 12 years ago


    It's amazing how many experts have come out of the woodwork….all talk the same talk…must be a school teaching this nowdays.

    My first warning sign is that the website doesn't tell you any addresses. The second warning sign is that they charge you for their "services". They make out that it's all difficult to invest in the US and despite…[Read more]

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic Purchasing in USA using SMSF in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago


    We haven't seen eye to eye recently on some points but with this topic I agree with you 100%. Paying cash with your SMSF is no problem as long as you have the correct structure in place but my Accountant said under NO circumstances should the SMSF leverage to buy US property. He also raised an issue (which I didn't pursue as I lost…[Read more]

  • Nigel,

    Lets put the numbers out there for all of us to see. I just don't see these sorts of returns as viable or ongoing for commercial deals. I know you worked with individuals in buying SFH in San Antonio so are you now saying to these investors this isn't the way to go ?

    I have some business/investment partners in Houston and they are very…[Read more]

  • Explorer74

    There is another thread titled "US Invest" on this forum. I questioned them about the Princeton address they also list. I find it extraordinary that they got creative and did some cutting & pasting and showed the office building they supposedly operate out of with US Invest signage. When I questioned this the reply was that "well the…[Read more]

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic Calling All Atlanta experts in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago


    That goes without even saying but at the end of the day not much point concentrating solely on location etc if you end up paying $30,000 more then what similar properties are worth surrounding it. Funny you mention Queensland….the home of two tiered marketeers. Most of them now sell US property !!

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic Calling All Atlanta experts in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago

    Thanks for your feedback & comments Karina, WI & Jay,

    I'd be curious…..your suggesting around $30 sq ft would be more on the mark…..lets say a home needed new carpets, paint, HVAC, light fittings….a full makeover. For a home around 2000 sq feet what would you expect to pay in Atlanta ? Appreciate many if's & but's involved but just an idea…[Read more]

  • Wow,

    Wouldn't make you happy if you were one of Vince's clients. Kind of sounds like sorry but my previous advice was a bit off mark so trust me and we'll give this a go instead. And to think it only took 450 duped buyers for him to figure things out.

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic US Invest in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Thanks Ryan,

    So what your saying is that the US HQ for US Invest is located at 600 Alexander Road, Princeton NJ ?? I see on your website that's backed up by a picture of a US Invest sign on the building….so you guys have naming rights by the looks of it ?? And the lease must be in the name of US Invest I would imagine for such a large…[Read more]

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic US Invest in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago


    Thanks for your posting. I just wanted to bring some clarity to this topic for the benefit of all readers.

    markoshark wrote:
    US invest:
    I just joined US invest paying $995 upfront to access to properties that are turn-key style. Basically this is an all inclusive package and with these as always you are paying a significant premium…[Read more]

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic US property investing firms in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago


    Please see the forum post about US Invest…..may give you some insight. I can't comment on HomeBuyersUSA but they all operate by the same mode….charge membership fee's to learn something that you can find out for free.

    What do you find so attractive…[Read more]

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic HOW CAN I FIND GOOD OPPOTUNITY AS A FOREIGN? in the forum Sara 2012, 13 years ago

    Sara 2012,

    Just for clarification…..your wanting advice on investing in Australian real estate ??

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic US Invest in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    LilianWA wrote:
    Are there any sites that list properties in Dallas or Atlanta?

    What sorts of sites are you referring to ? Realtors ?? You can search Trulia or Zillow but you would need to narrow the search down to a specific area or city to get best results.

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic US Invest in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Hi Langport16

    There have been some posts about this group before on this forums if you search past forum topics. Don’t think it was favourable due to their membership fee’s or something along those lines. How far have you progressed with them ? I have a few homes in Dallas now but didn’t buy through this group. I tried to send you a personal…[Read more]

  • speedy gonzales replied to the topic Texas Market in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    jayhinrichs wrote:
    but then you have to live there UGH……No comparison to living in the SF bay areaOf course in Texas you can buy a mansion for 500k… In SF and then penninsula you cant buy a shack for 500k…Houses are 1 to 50 million. Reason:The SF bay area has some of the worlds best climates.  No humidity,, no thunderstorms or…[Read more]

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speedy gonzales