Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum My aim is to buy an 14 years ago
My aim is to buy an investment soon, 350k ish. Then use to to buy my own home to live in, in around 5 years. I am happy to rent in the mean time due to work.
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Yes, sorry I did mean an 14 years ago
Yes, sorry I did mean an offset account. If I can withdraw from it, I can add around 35k a year.extra till its positive geared.
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I plan to use 95% or 100% of my tax return (only put some into my buffer account if need be) each year will go onto the loan. I have around 3-4 years of solid work (6-7 days) worth coming up so I want to make the most of this while I am young and have the high income. hoping to be able to save around 40k a year, or pay 40 off the house.I am…[Read more]
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thank you for the helpful post
I will be having a 10k buffer savings for spikes,sickness,repairs etc.
I currently save 1200 a week and still above my needs so 200 a week out of pocket for negative gearing is no worrie.
Should I aim to make extra repayments to get to a pos geared loan as soon as I can?Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum I came here with the idea of 14 years ago
I came here with the idea of neg gearing, but its not the only path I want. You members have explained better eays. So im not that worried about my tax. My only goal is long term wealth, if tax cuts came into play that would be great. But clearly this is not the case, which is why im here asking for advices on other paths
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I work full time also.
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum I run my own business also. 14 years ago
I run my own business also. So doing all my tax is very hard.
Is there any good video books to watch?Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum This is the advice im after, 14 years ago
This is the advice im after,
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Im here to find out what is good for me.. But no one seems to tell me what is
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum I have very little savings 14 years ago
I have very little savings for a deposit, so my first has to be a negative gear set up, I plan to buy my 2nd with a positive gear.Unless anyone has any other idea's? I dont think I can avoid the negative gearing on the first one, Which doesn't bother me cause I will be making extra repayments and my tax return will be reinvested, either into the…[Read more]
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Those are the 2 perfect types of answers I came onto this site for, Thank you.Portfolio PI , Feel free to pm me some more info
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Want to be able to semi retire at 40, so in 15 years. I work 7 days a week now, trying to build my wealth for later in life. Working isnt life
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thank you for your post. Long term wealth is my goal. Tax reduction would be nice, but if that means less profits. Its not worth it. I am not solely focused on the tax side of it
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Im unsure that is why im 14 years ago
Im unsure that is why im here to ask.
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Not keen to buy o.s
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thanks for the advice, im reading as much as I can. Thats why I joined for advice.
I would like something in melb, as its where I live, first place I would like to be able to see often. Next ill go where the money is. I want my first local just in case anything happens in life I have a place to liveSpandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Friends returns from those actions, im here for advice, im not saying mine is true,fact etc. you guys know muxh more then
I do.If you were in my shoes, 2100 a week before tax. Able to use around $60k from my mothers house for a desposit, which I need to return in 12 to 18 months. Put away $1000 a week after bills. Im 24 and moved back home to…[Read more]
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Hoping for a cheap start, 14 years ago
Hoping for a cheap start, and good returns in 10 to 15 years.
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
With my current house and savings, I only have around 70k
Spandex replied to the topic High income, need to negative gear, First home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I would like to buy in a new, up coming estate. Im here for all open advice in which path I go down.
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