Hi L.A. Aussie,Yup newcomers get often alured by some unscupulous finance institutions offering 100-110% finance. Its not that hard to take talk someone into these kind of loans especially when the times are good and media/tv/everyone trumpet around how every propety is increases in value by tens of thousands. Sometimes I think this should be…[Read more]
Hi Marc,true the 4% time range is soon running out. Personally I am not a big fan of 100% leverage at the best of times and so even less in current interest rates environment. I prefer saving for a while and come back in with a comfortable 25-30% deposit cushion. One should not forget that leverage really is a double edged sword. I will therefore…[Read more]
L.A. Aussie,Even though quite a bit OT, I think we are pretty much on the same page here.to b) it obviously goes case by case which is everyone must do a thorough research before purchasing I understand the past Sept 1987 argument I only tried to say that (all things equal) the necessary high depreciation amount is easier achievable with newer…[Read more]
I think you are trying to cover lot of ground at once. Maybe try to understand each step by step in little pieces. Ie. If you want to know what is you casflow situation if you invest in property make a little spread sheet with IN on one side and OUT on the other. Start with 1 year sums and dont go crazy with too much variables for starters. For…[Read more]
Hi debden,if you havent done so already than consider reading Steve McKnight's first book (you could find it a little obsolete in todays environment but as far as I remember it does describe Steve beginings from scratch) or some of the Peter Spann's books (I think From 0 to 10 million property portfolio in 10 years is his take on Rich Dad / Poor…[Read more]
Any newcomer to the property game should also understand the lingo thrown around without much of the explanation. Eg. negative gearing, positive gearing, positive casflow. So if are not yet fully familiar with these you will do yourself a huge favour doing some reading and grasping the basic differences. I am not going into lengthy explanations…[Read more]
Marc: It may have not stand out from my previous post clearly enough but yes I am parking my available cash temporarily (max upto 1 year depending on other factors) as it is not enough to pay down, in my opinion a comfortable deposit on any new IP.And I also tend to agree with you as to paying the debts (assuming they have higher interest rate…[Read more]
What's rich?I think its pretty hard to define in a definite number as the goalposts are constantly moving (inflation, interest rates etc.). IMHO the answer therefore would need to be somehow more philosophical on the lines which others here have already suggested ie. Being free to do whatever I want whenever I feel like it without even thinking…[Read more]
Damian,Saving is good you cant go wrong with that . Since you plan to purchase next year I would perhaps leave the actual market research for some time later and suggest you start learning about the ins and out of making a deal. For example what are the steps (getting finance, researching properties, making offer, talking to solicitor etc) and…[Read more]
Hi Kate, Whereabouts in Asia? I am currently in Thailand long term (negotiating my first IP deal here right now so maybe I could lend a hand over here.CheersDan
Cant see any more newer threads regarding the propertycycle, but IMHO we are in the new cycle for about a while now what do you think. I got my all thought about it in my article Another Australian property cycle in full swing.Cheers Dan
Yes I agree its always an uphill battle to find something about vacancy rates or any kind of sales data etc. Especially if you dont want to use the paid services.
Originally posted by Mobile Mortgage:
Hi Dan,
The offset is a good idea, ANZ will waive there $10 per month offset fee under there break free package however, based on your level of borrowing I think paying $295 per annum in fees for an offset and a discount rate of 6.72% is a bit rich,
An alternative may be the St George pro pack @ 6.62% with an…[Read more]
well at this stage there is not much structure to it as I only have 1 IP so far (as per previous posts) financed by ANZ’s “Money saver” product (.6% of standard variable, interest inly with redraw, no offset).
To my disappointment, I only recently learnt that redraw will not exactly work the same way the offset account does…[Read more]
Ok so I got off my lazy backside and instead of asking you guys here for everything (thanks for patience btw[cap]) I spoke to ANZ mortgage folks who were very helpful and provided following info:
Two types of revaluations:
a) kebside – based on the values of similar properties in the area; less expensive
b) full – evaluator will make full…[Read more]