Depends on which financial institution will look outside the square.
Her ability to repay you will also go a long way to provide inertia to her claim for a loan in order to refinance. They can’t discriminate because she’s a single mum on a pension, they will generally look for another way to exclude her from their books (if she’s…[Read more]
So that’s why I couldn’t get onto the site… I kept thinking I’d made a typing error when I was putting in the web address…
Only took me 8 times before I realised something was amiss. That’s what happens when you have NO sleep…
Steve, If you feel like ‘Yoda’, I know why your moves are as good as his. Personally, after the week I’ve had I feel like ‘Jabba the Hun’. I think I may have put my foot in it somewhere in this posting…
Perhaps try Lawfund. I’ve heard they are good and aswell as that, if you open a mortage with them, you can nominate a charity and they will give a percentage of commission (or the like) to this charity.
Please excuse me that I can’t seem to type straight or remember anything, but I’ve had one of those weeks… If Steve feels like…[Read more]
Welcome to the forum! I read your post with delight as it is really uplifting to see younger people getting serious about their future instead of gratifying their wants immediately. []
I read that you are studying Law. Congrats! Having studied myself, full time and 2 part-time degrees at once, I can assure you that the work load only…[Read more]
Welcome to the forum [] There are wrappers in Sydney and I am sure that they would offer you some info on wraps and some contacts. I suggest doing the cheaper alternative by talking to other wrappers and then to collect the accountants and lawyer etc for your team. This way you can learn first without the cash expenditure…(says me…[Read more]
Yes Michael your 110% right! It’s because of team effort that the ‘useful links’ posting is so successful and helpful to all newbies and others alike. I couldn’t have done it without all your postings, useful tips and information. So a BIG THANKYOU to all of you out there who participated and made the post happen.
Sounds like you need a bank that thinks ‘outside the square’. Don’t get frustrated get even.
Obviously their not interested in your welfare but theirs…
Look around there are some links posted in the ‘Useful Links’ section that has bank comparisons, loans and professional packages and the like.
Adrian, I’m not sure if you went to Steve’s seminar, I assume you didn’t, but there was an accountant there named Mr Paul Harper, from Jeena Partners. I know he’s hugely busy, but I believe he has a kit that helps people to structure their affairs in the best possible way for investing. He’s brilliant and I’m sure…[Read more]
You’ve been given really good advice! There are property management courses available. I’d read the posting about Bad tenants..perhaps put yourself in that persons shoes and see how you would handle it. It’s enough to scare me off! You might be really good at that sort of thing…
Which ever way, I wish you luck…it never hurts to…[Read more]
I remember thinking the same thing, and when I found out about it through a magazine advert, I thought it was a scam. It is no such thing, so browse through the postings, there is a lot of info available. If your in the market to make some money with very little down… and you have time to kill… Welcome to the club!
I’m not sure how you will take this, but I’ve always believed that if you buy for lets say a house worth 80K and wrapped it for 30% mark up at 104K, well to me that IS considered a Capital growth..albeit an inflated and manipulated capital growth price for the area (probably), but you’ve essentially fixed in that price for a number of…[Read more]