Well done for doing the work. [8D]
Getting back to the drawing board myself now, with help from a friend, setting us in the right direction. Now our job begins! []
Big Thanks to Dave and Steve too []
Thank you for the info []I will look into this book more closely.
This Tue night, I think it starts at 8pm on Channel 7 is the new Room For Improvements. They’re doing a kitchen reno.
This is the link to Break Free Events http://www.breakfreeevents.com.au/ but I couldn’t find very much here.
I did a search at http://www.google.com and couldn’t find much there either, except for a real estate agent from the USA.
I did find this about ‘Conceptual Analysis’ that Joe mentioned PF talked about.
It seemed interesting, but I’m not sure…[Read more]
Welcome to the PI forum []! It’s great to see your investing time researching prior to actually investing. Hope you have fun at your workshops and that you learn heaps!
The RK seminar is $7000, but I know where I’d rather be! [] Oh, they do include meals in the $7000 and I hope everyone who’s going, (including my solicitor)enjoys it. I hope we get some feedback on it.
David, from where I sit, it’s just a matter of time till wrapping is regulated. After much thought on this topic, I can’t say it’s a really bad thing, because there are some people out there giving ‘wraps’ a bad name (ref ‘A Current Affairs’ program a few months back) and also the fact that some Real Estate Agents won’t deal with you if…[Read more]
Well I’m hoping to be there for the am session (babysitter’s allowing). Who else will be at that session? Should I wear a ‘Sooshie’ name tag so that we can all meet up? []
Kirby the seminar is being held in Flinders St Melbourne (I’ll have to find my letter to get the exact address if you like)
Break free line if you want to come 1800…[Read more]
PAY DAY is a board game with a pleasant vista, option of children (actually they can be forced on you [}]), university etc. Basically all the milestones of life from school onwards are points in the game, whereby you have a choice to go two different paths, starting off either by going to UNI or doing hard work. You spin this wheel…[Read more]
I might be mistaken, but if this is your first property, couldn’t you apply for the FHOG? I know it may take longer to get than in Victoria, and I believe it’s not for investment use, but creatively, I’m sure you could get this to help with your deposit? Someone who’s done this before might be able to help.
We must all be goofballs going to that seminar!!! [] Curiosty killed the cat [}] I’m not sure when I will be going, depends on babysitting. It sounds interesting and free is good, although be wary Breakfree events do so many events that just be careful not to get suckered into buying something. They do the push during the break and…[Read more]
What about letting the purchaser pay for their insurance for X amount, putting the bank (finance) and wrapper as interested parties and then getting a certificate saying it’s paid[?]
The reason for doing it this way, is the purchaser’s have a business so they get a discount on the insurance. They have agreed value of 100K on property of…[Read more]
I agree with Steve. Wow! From your post Mannie,
I’m amazed at how banks re-invent themselves in order to maintain business. I have very little financial savvy, but imagine being the head of one of these creative banks, just blows my mind!
I know what happened with MIRVAC in Cheltenham and so many investors got burnt. Rental yields around…[Read more]