I’m scratching my head here a little, ’cause I hoped I wouldn’t come across harsh, but your point has been taken.
People did better than an average job [^]. They did super! []
It WAS a game and also, many people came up to me and couldn’t stop laughing (Paul!!!) because they thought my acting was very [:0)] funny. I…[Read more]
Thank you all for sharing [^] Scott, I was very impressed with your creativity! I’m looking foward to catching up [8D]
Today has been a roller coaster for me. It started off low (my friend having a CT scan ? tumor of brain – she’s already gone through it once!) then I was looking through http://www.realestate.com.au and found some…[Read more]
It was lovely to catch up with you and chat vis a vis. I understood where you where coming from when we discussed jobs. Although you are miles ahead of me, you helped me to see that I could reach that place. Thank you!
Courage based from love – That’s you Andrew!
I’m glad you got home safely. I hope the tupperware shape-O’s were…[Read more]
Congratulations on your first post, your first step to financial freedom!
I have heard about NZ aswell, like most investors, they won’t all come out screaming where they look for properties or waving their money around. Investors are everywhere. Many would say that if they can still find property that meets…[Read more]
It was lovely to meet you to! [] Thank you for sharing with us. Brave woman! I wish you every success from here on end!
I, like you, have made many mistakes, both personally and with property. I have a young family and to think that my mistakes caused hardship in their lives – HURTS – BIG TIME. []
BUT!!! If only one thing I’ve…[Read more]
Is this guy for real??? [] Sydney isn’t far. For the $200 it costs to fly you down to Melbourne, I’d give you work anyday… I’ll introduce you to my hubby..he’s a perfectionist when it comes to renovating, but he does it old school, so it lasts…and lasts…and lasts… [:0)]
I also have a spare room with ensuite… []
What is the motivation for these people to say that property prices are slowing or falling or whatever else they say?
Interest rates are still very low, FHOG is still applicable, so why would anyone want to take the confidence of buyers/investors away and turn them to other investing sources?
What’s happening with shares? Perhaps they…[Read more]
Do either you or your brother have a full/part time job? If you both live with parents, could you sell one car and share the other? The saving on rego and general maintenance on a vehicle (a real money pit) might help you save up to buy without needing anyone else’s help. I promise you girls can walk! []
Your savings seem great.…[Read more]
Been scratching my real estate itch too … I will give feedback as I think it would be a good teaching tool. Nessie, ask me a question…you know once I start..it’s hard to stop me [][]
I have a question too. What is the difference between LUCK and FATE? It’s not a trick question people…
I always like to start at the magazines for information… just to knowledge myself up. My background is far removed from tax etc.. I find the personal investor magazine helpful as it is written for the lay person. http://www.personalinvestor.com.au/
This month has a special on tax with regards to different investing stratergies.…[Read more]
I’d like to know if anyone wanted feedback about the role I played in the game at the seminar? I was peturbed to hear how Lizzie (by the way, welcome to the forum []) felt by ‘the game’, so I want to know if it would help, if I shared my thoughts and responses about how I perceived my role and how you all responded to this role?
I have…[Read more]
Another link that’s come my way…Although it covers more of negative gearing than positive gearing, this site has useful information on it, plus some explanations.
What a blast! [] These emoticons can’t express the exhilaration and buzz I received from seeing everyone at the seminar! Putting the names to faces was a precious and priceless experience [], very powerfull! The ENERGY was awesome… Positives breed Positives…and that my friends was evident on this weekend.…[Read more]