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  • Sonja replied to the topic titles? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hi Gavin,

    I also went to Martin’s workshop and thought it great value.

    After speaking to my local Council’s town planner here in NSW I have found that Community Title as outlined by Martin is specific to SA. She also tells me that each state will be individual in this respect… so it really depends on where you are developing.

    The Land…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic This forum dying! in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago

    Hi Wild One,

    I thought I was the only person in the world still using windows 98! The changeover has had the same effect on me – lots of threads I just can’t bear to wait for. I have found that if I visit the active topics every day that things go a bit quicker than if I leave it too long. More than a week without a visit and the whole site…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic Thinking of Buying in Mt Isa? in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    Hi All,

    Glad I was able to provide some entertainment [wink2]

    I posted this purely as a joke ’cause I had tears rolling down my face and my tummy ached from laughing when I read it. Partly because of real life Mt Isa story from my mother-in-law that is so similar it is a bit scary. A friend of hers moved there in winter and fell in love with…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic new layout in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Hi Steve,

    Mostly, I’m a bit pragmatic about this sort of stuff. A forum is a forum and this one is great regardless of the layout.

    I’m glad I’m not the olny one who has found it to be s…l…o…w compared to before but I suspect my poor (old) computer is mostly responsible for this.

    I also agree with Paul that the colour differentiation…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic whats wrong with dazzling in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hi Dazzling,

    Seems you’ve now had 235 well wishers pop in to see what’s wrong with you!

    Good to hear you’re doing well but I’ve got no idea what this thread is really about either [blink]


  • Sonja replied to the topic HOW TO FIND TRANSPORTER HOUSES?? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hi Damian,

    Try “House Relocation Services” in the local (or nearly local) Yellow Pages.

    Some like Robert Harding have used houses to choose from and others will simply move it and you find it yourself.

    I was able to secure a free house for removal by approaching a local child care company who was going to demolish it and build the new child…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic Regional Investments SA in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Hi Guys,

    Sorry to be the wet blanket here but as you can see I replied to this just over a year ago and Bec emailed me that the data base etc was history.


  • Sonja replied to the topic How much to build 3 villa/units? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hi Zulik,

    When you get a chance I’d also like to know what you find out and what you decide. I have also wished for someone with developing experience to sit down and nut out the fine details with us.

    I’ve got a large block with an old duplex on. Like you I saw development $$$ when I purchased but the whole thing became too hazy and too much…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic ADVICE NEEDED – Private Tenant wants bond reciept! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Dutchess,

    If it is a legal loophole than all should be OK. There is no need to worry and just issue a legit receipt.

    If you are trying to do something that is not legal my advice would be to confess your “mistake” ASAP and offer to pay back what you owe – most likely the authorities will be quite reasonable with you.

    On the other hand if…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic Property on a Busy Road in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    I have lived near a main road and you do get used to the noise… after a while if someone does comment it’s like “what noise?”

    I don’t know about trams – I’ve never lived in a city with them but trains are another thing. The sound of the train itself doesn’t bother me (I actually like the sound of them) so being near a train line is…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic I’m New in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hi All,

    I’ve found that some agents “get it” and others just don’t. I’m not sure if it is a personality “click or clash” thing or if it is some sort of REA strategy or just that some REAs listen and others don’t.

    In my experience, the agents that I come back to are the ones who show me what I tell them I am interested in. Funny enough these…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic An oldie but worth repeating.. in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    This is old! Can’t even remember how long ago I first saw it… but I’ve got to agree, worth repeating [evilgrin]

    I also agree with Celivia, com’on Redwing, don’t tease spill the goods and tell us. Nobody here at would ever use such methods of revenge [whistle]


  • Sonja replied to the topic What Does Your Icon Mean? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago

    I chose Garfield firstly because the comics make me laugh.

    Also because it reminds me a bit of my Mum’s cat “Ditten the Kitten”. Ditten was best friends with the dog from the day she arrived so we had a “ditten” and a “kog”… then as she grew up it became a “dat” and a “cog” – she was meant to be named Chloe but Ditten just stuck. She is now…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic gross and his project in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    I’m reading this post as a chalenge by Gross to one of the new mentorees in Steve’s RESULTS program. However, if I’m wrong, Gross please clarify.

    There was another post by Gross that seemed to be about a speculative mentoring program he may have been contemplating.


  • Sonja replied to the topic Search function – hit and miss in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 19 years ago


    Until tonight the search magnifying glass on the right has always worked just fine for me.


    I’m now getting the same Deserializer/encoding style/soap message as the.j and it’s not because of a null return ’cause I logged out of here, searched google and came up with a post right back here at! Didn’t have what I was…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic Landlord Insurance – Need help in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Vernon,

    Just my personal thoughts and opinions but here goes:

    1) I wouldn’t be without landlords insurance for an investment property and yes it is entirely different from home and contents insurance.

    2) This won’t be part of your landlords insurance but as I understand it you can insure the building for whatever amount you choose. The…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic looking for lawyer?account to help me wrap in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    I seem to recall mention of a solicitor in Sydney named Tony Cordato. Can’t remember if that is how you even spell it and for some reason the search function is not working for me ATM. I’ll post again if I find it before someone else helps you.


    I was hoping to find the details using the search option but that has gone haywire on me so…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic Tenants Have 2 dogs, no fence in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    OK, so now I’m starting to worry. We have tenants with two dogs and only three sides of the yard are fenced. Dogs are kept on a tether – no problem. Landlords insurance covers any major damage that may (or may not) occur – no problem.

    It has been my assumption that the dogs are registered to the owners and that the owners of the dogs are…[Read more]

  • Sonja replied to the topic Results Forum in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 19 years ago

    Hi Guys,

    Gotta say I’m with Derek on this one. I was a bit surprised when I first saw how it was set up. Not a really big deal but wondering why people have to look at it and then be reminded that they can’t access it everytime they log on to the forums…


  • Sonja replied to the topic Good wrap lawyers in Victoria in the forum Good wrap lawyers in Victoria 19 years ago

    Lewis O’Brien
    03 8801 0111
    0407 521 112

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