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  • solomon replied to the topic USA PROPERTY in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    The best site to view properties that I have ever seen is
    I’m addicted to it. Have fun.

  • solomon replied to the topic Who invests in USA? in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Thanks to those of you who answered the question.

  • solomon replied to the topic How do I find a positive cashflow property in WA ? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Is it possible you may still be dragging your feet? How BADLY do you want to find a +CF property?
    If it’s a case of ” oh it would be nice to have one” & your waiting for one to fall in your lap, my guess is that another 18months will go by fairly fast.
    If I said to you I will give you 1 million dollars if you find a +cf property by the end of the…[Read more]

  • solomon replied to the topic LLC in Delaware, NY or Texas in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Would it not be almost impossible to buy a property say 25% under market value & get vendors finance?
    With VF what are the most common terms given?

  • solomon replied to the topic LLC in Delaware, NY or Texas in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Thanks Luke,
    For each answer I get it seems there are another 10 questions to be asked.
    Have you purchased many properties in the States? How did you overcome the 6 months to be able to refinance? Did you find a way to get around the $3.5+ refinance fees? Do you have a recommendation on financial institutions over there?

  • solomon replied to the topic LLC in Delaware, NY or Texas in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Westan, now with all your experience, if you started from scratch again would you do the same? As in buy the first house cash and then refinance from there?

    Regarding the loan are you going for fixed & at what rate are you able to get it at?


  • solomon replied to the topic LLC in Delaware, NY or Texas in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Thank you all, every bit of info helps.

    Westan, when you have been purchasing property over there what type of loan are you using? Fixed 30yr, variable or have you used vendors finance & if so how does that work?

    Also for your very first property, did you pay cash & then use the equity in that to get another loan or did you put 10/20/30% of the…[Read more]

  • solomon replied to the topic Risks with off shore investments in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    I’m about to & yes it will be hard & scary but if it was easy everyone would be doing it.
    At the end of the day I added up all the pros & cons & I saw the opportunity in a far away land when most are still trying to find CG & +CF in Sydney, LA, NY, London etc.
    When they zig I’m going to zag.
    The statement that moved me most though was, ” will I…[Read more]

  • solomon replied to the topic LLC in Delaware, NY or Texas in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Thanks Richard.

    Would I still set up the LLC in the same state as where I buy the property or in Delaware or Nevada or where?


  • solomon replied to the topic US social security no. in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    I was in the states for 6 months in 1996 and just walked into the solcial security office & asked for a SSN so I could open a bank account. It said on the card that I had no right to work etc but it was easy to get one.
    Funny thing is I can’t find the card or # now & I need it again to open another bank account.

  • solomon replied to the topic How did Dolf De Roos start? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Thanks FastLane.
    So did he then just use that $30k as living expenses while he found more deals?

    Apparently he has only ever sold 4 properties in his life so how did he access the cash to live on?

    So to my situation, I have $100K of equity and $120K in cash & now no business/job/income as I just sold it. If Dolf was in this situation what would…

  • solomon replied to the topic USA TODAY! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Thanks Rikky,
    I have been over there quite a few times but wasn’t into property then. I have done a tonne of research on the area I’m wanting to buy in & will have no need for the BIRD DOGS. But I really do need to know how to get the loan because I don’t want to buy the house with ALL my cash.
    Calling all experts!

  • solomon replied to the topic Hold or Sell in the Sydney market in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Think back to the houses your parents sold & ask yourself was that the dumbest thing they did or what?
    My parents sold a house in Blacktown for $14K, Baulkham Hills $70K, Rockingham WA $38K, Warnbro WA $42K, Malibu WA $98K, 2 acre block & home in Golden Bay $250K.
    Dumb or what?
    The property guru Dolf De Roos speaking from the Trump university on…[Read more]

  • solomon replied to the topic What would you do with $10,000? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    This is starting to sound alot like a subliminal advert. Did you know there are trading forums elsewhere?

  • solomon replied to the topic WA Scarborough IP in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Just like the city it’s going to be an oversupply of units & if you hang around Scarb during the week you will get a good idea of what kind of tenant you’ll attract. If you decide it’s the place for you, make sure you get parking for the number of rooms. Also double check rental return & not what the developer tells you.
    Just my bit of wisdom of…

  • solomon replied to the topic possible goldmine or mine field? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Thanks for your opinions & help on screen saver.
    I found out that if I have more than 6 individual tenants I need a licence to have a LODGING HOUSE & no doubt the neibours will block that. (don’t blame them). However 6 or less not including a keeper, I need nothing. I think I may be able to create a +CF if the deal goes through. Ofcourse I need to…[Read more]

  • solomon replied to the topic resale value concerns- opinions please in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Why are you called cotmakers? Because if you manufacture cots I need a truck load.

  • solomon replied to the topic Frustrated Perth buyer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks all for your advice.
    One thing I did’nt mention that may change your advise, we work in Joondalup & we can get the $7k from the Fed gov & no stamp duty up to a $250K purchase from the state gov.
    Where to buy now as this area is HOT HOT HOT, as in selling within a few days?

  • solomon replied to the topic Frustrated Perth buyer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks Luci & Dazzling.
    Luci, I agree that the Perth market is just behind the Sydney market but with the economy VERY strong here in WA, with the shortage of workers, the high immigration rate from eastern staters & UK, the mining boom & the “cheap property prices” (looks that way to a sydney sider) I just wonder if we have a long way to go?
    I…[Read more]

  • solomon replied to the topic Frustrated Perth buyer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks Dazzling,
    I feel like giving up as in this northern corridor it is so hot, but the question is would you still purchase at market value if you can’t get below market value? Also we all have our opinion about the market & mine is that Perth has another 2 years, & about 10% per year growth before a correction.What is your prediction?

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