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  • Profile photo of sogni1

    Thanks…can you advise who Tommy is ?



    Profile photo of sogni1

    Ian Again

    I am presuming you are talking 'everyday budget' not one specific to developing……


    Profile photo of sogni1


    I have a couple of Budget Templates (spreadsheets) that I have used. You are welcome to a copy. Haven't posted here for ages and am unsure whether I can send direct to your email address.


    Profile photo of sogni1

    Seminar Ticket has been claimed.



    Profile photo of sogni1


    On the right hand of the screen you will see the ad for Steve's Seminar on Sunday. Click on it , follow the link for info and get back to me.



    Profile photo of sogni1

    Thanks  Ian . Gradually putting the pieces together !



    Profile photo of sogni1

    Thanks for your input "Scott No Mates" . U do now !

    The property was probably built  late 70's -early 80's so its probably going to be a written applic for records…

    The offer: A conditional offer is being proposed…..

    Suggested Offer:

    The following offer is for the property located at:

    Price offered : $

    This offer is conditional on the following:

    An  up front non refundable $ (nominal) option payment which secures the property by way of 'an option to purchase' while the following is undertaken:

    1. Satisfactory Pest Inspection
    2. Building Inspection which indicates the property complies with the current building code/setbacks/ privacy codes /fire codes -for dual occupancy type housing
    3. Presentation of a Current Building Certificate (if not currently avail)
    4. Finance to purchasers satisfaction
    5. A 4 week period to conduct the above .
    6. A Zoning of Residential 2B (or similar permitting dual occupancy)
    7. Conditional that the vendor will sign any development approval or other application promptly within the settlement period.

    Problems I foresee
    …too many conditions…
    …I don't want to be committed before I am fairly certain of a sub division outcome…

    Thoughts ?



    Profile photo of sogni1

    Thankyou Paul & Karen

    If you are looking for potential customers (ie. people looking to purchase via Installment Contract) I   can refer you to them or vice versa.They are not pre qualified but are referrees from an existing wrap purchaser)



    Profile photo of sogni1

    Download Firefox as your browser. I just did & can post just fine now…phew !

    Profile photo of sogni1


    Reading  your experiences w/ interest.

    I'm looking at a property that is an attached dual occupancy – on one title. Land size 860sm. Property has potential to be either sub divided or strata titled- & later sold off as 2 properties. Its a brick & tile joined by 2 side by side garages.

    Initial inspections indicate it is separately metered & fire protections in place.

    Question is which is the better way to go ? Subdivision or strata title.

    The offer: A conditional offer is being proposed. How would that be worded ?

    What exactly can I apply for at Council while the property is under another individuals name/title ?

    And what are council going to be willing to provide given it is someone else's property ?

    Is the offer made conditional on my making the application to council w/ the owner's consent ?

    Calls to Council have resulted in my being advised that if a Building Certificate has been issued in the last 2 years then an application to strata/subdivide can be made based on 'it being an exempt development application'.

    Again what rights do I have to apply while the property is in anothers name.

    Look fwd to someones expertise !

    Profile photo of sogni1

    Hunter Access Finance
    Tony Pearce
    Have used Tony for multiple deals.

    Profile photo of sogni1


    HEy Guys,

    I just need a recommendation for a mortgage broker. The Broker has to be an investor as well /knows positive cashflow and has read Mcknights books. If anyone can reccomend, pls do not hesitate to give me his email addie.


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