I luv this forum!! There are so many interesting and diverse ideas out there!! Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions.
My partner and I have discussed all the options put forward. We were very interested to hear that by strata-ing we have ‘instant equity’. At this stage, tho, we will speak to a valuer to determine prices etc and to get any ideas of the best way to go about renovating for maximum benefit (ie further equity/rent). We have the rental history of the units, and are very happy. We also believe that there is room to move with the rent after seeing what is currently available.
In relation to crj’s suggestion re sub-markets, that is something we will definitely look into, along with a more extensive renovation.
I agree there’s a lot to consider. Obviously increased borrowing capacity is one and no doubt the possibility of being able to free one flat from a mortgage so you can use another lender when making further investments. My comments are looking at the things to be considered in whether the strata title is feasible. There might even be a better profit to be made if a more extensive renovation could lift the flats to a higher level and the work done is simmply to get all the approvals for a strata development and then onsell to a developer
Thanks for your responses. There is a lot to consider about stratering and we have actually spoken to a council rep. We were told that there would be quite a large rise in rates if we were to strata and that has held us back. Do you know if you can get the development application approved, but not take it to the next step, ie actually stratering, until ready to do so (which may not be for a year or 2)?
CRJ – I wonder if you can go into more detail in relation to your above quote on ‘lifting the flats to a higher level …… then onsell to a developer’.
Thanks for that. We are actually going to have a look at some 2 b/r units to get an idea of the price and the rental and compare those figures to the units we are looking at buying.
With blocks of units being harder to sell, for a variety of reasons, did you find the vendor more willing to negotiate than had he been selling an individual unit?
Sorry Shaun – for the same reason, can’t leave email address. We are meeting Monday 11am at Belconnen Mall. If you can make it I’ll leave details at information desk at Mall. Let me know either way.
The Councils are actually asking suitable developers to contact them regarding building houses/units/townhouses – approximately 250 new residences in all.
Has anyone actually attended a ‘Smart Property Development’ course or any other course associated with property development. If so, were they a worthwhile investment???
I’m just outside Canberra. Saw some posts from VIC where prices were a lot cheaper. Did not think that there could be such a price difference between states. Guess I was wrong[]
$900 isn’t expensive. I shopped around and found $800 plus GST about the cheapest. The most expensive was $2500. You can clearly see that $900 is at the lower end.
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