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  • snoopdad replied to the topic Negative gearing & defacto’s in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 11 months ago

    Hi All We don' have any cash, I don't want to live in her house and she doesn't want to live in mine, that's why we rent at the moment.We want to start our live together a fresh.  It doesn't make sense to borrow money for a PPOR  when we have equity in our previous PPOR's. that are now rented.  What we want to do is restructure our assets so th…[Read more]

  • snoopdad replied to the topic Negative gearing & defacto’s in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for the response MattJust to clarify a few points.I owe very little on my house that i rent out currently as it was my Former home.If i borrow against this and buy a place to life in it won't be tax deductible as you say.she is also in the same position.But what if?I sell this house to my defacto spouse, she borrows 95% purchase price. …[Read more]


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