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  • snappytom replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum British Buyer wrote:
    Why is
    14 years, 1 month ago

    British Buyer wrote:
    Why is it that you're concentrating on the west coast of Florida?

    Whilst living in the US we did go to Clearwater for a vacation once and thought it was a nice place. (What I say now though is based purely upon speculation and an image of Miami gained from tv/movies.) I think Miami is more a "cool people" destination. What…[Read more]

  • snappytom replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    British Buyer wrote:
    Hi SNAPPYTOMI'm interested to hear what interest rate you've been offered.And what will the property taxes be like on the west coast of Florida?

    Steve,I got 3.625% with 15 year fixed loan. I am wondering if the new "stimulus" offering by the government is going to change rates and this may go down by the time I come to…[Read more]

  • snappytom replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    Hi all,Been reading this topic with interest over the last few weeks. I am looking at getting a single family home somewhere along the Clearwater beach down to St Pete beach area (west coast of Florida, ~4 hrs from Miami). The main purpose is a vacation place or somewhere for my family to go while I am traveling for work. Not really an investment…[Read more]


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