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  • smyshyr replied to the topic Im young and wanna make some money in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    hey regi

    Im young and lookin to buy my first ip too in victoria

    i set myself a 6 month research goal and another 6 months to find a place (on the assumption that first one is always the hardest to get/slowest coming

    i read a book a month on average, on all sorts of topics to do with property and have learned SO much so far.

    theres plenty still…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    Great to hear what everyone does. So many different industries!

    One question tho, why is everyone SO bored??

    That and property is the only thing everyone seems to have in common – good for us!

    BTW im fast approaching 30, single and live in St Kilda Vic. I work for a bank (yes, that one!) as a document processer (sobs!)

    I am…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic How do you manage 130 properties ? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi guys,

    I think the trick is to find a PM who is actually proactive (just how you do this, im not so sure – maybe by interviewing them, just like u would if u were offering them a job!)

    I just dont understand tho, why anyone in their right minds would want to both build a property portfolio AND manage those pptys themselves! I think theyre…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic ANY 3-IN-1 VALUERS, BUILDING & PEST INSPECTORS? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thanks for replying dennis,

    The thought only came to me recently, if you need to get 3 reports done anyway, were there any ppl out there who did everything in one hit.

    I thought as far as vendor/current tenant was concerned, the less ppl tramping thru the house the better,

    and as far as purchaser was concerned, any potential problems would come…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic Please need advice for bad agent? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    HI Maggie,

    Although I have had no experience with real estate agents myself, it sounds like you are dealing with a classic mode of operation of real estate agents.

    My understanding is that in order to get your business they tell you an inflated price, then once you have signed the contract to list with them (often tehre is a clause that forces…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic Steel Homes: Do they creak? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    HI there,

    I grew up in the tropics and all the houses up ther are steel framed or reinforced steel to be cyclone and termite resistant.

    We lived in our place for about 10 years and I cant remember it ever creaking! (even during high winds)

    If you are thinking about wooden frames I would try a termite-proof hardwood (yes such things DO exist)…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic Borrowing my uncle’s equity in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hey, Id do a ring around of some brokers, just to see what your options are!

    Be aware that what some brokers say cant be done, others will be able to do, so get 4 to 5 opinions.

    Set yourself a 3 to 6 month Research Project and just to find out all the different ways u and your uncle can work a deal.

    Remeber, the golden rule! ALWAYS ALWAYS put…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic The Bulletin Board in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I have read Dolf De Roos book and think its great!

    Although Id love to know more about his strategies $500 for a cd series and over $2K for seminar tickets is a little out of my league at the moment no ppor or ip…YET! but halfway thru my due dilligence atm.

    Is anyone with the audio cd willing to lend me a copy for a week or so, so I can listen…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic Landlord vs Tenant in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Vluu,

    I agree with some of the ideas of the other posters, but it seems that all the responses are from an arms length viewpoint. You sound like someone who doesnt want to be too hard on someone and since this is the first ip youve bought, u are understandably nervous about upsetting anyone. It also sounds like both u and the vendor are…[Read more]

  • smyshyr replied to the topic How many you got? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Guys,

    I was going to respond to Novices booklist with some others s/he might like to read, but then i thought I wouldnt be selfish and share the titles with everyone!

    They are:

    “are you dumb enough to be rich” g william barnett II
    “real estate riches” dolf de roos (one of the “rich dad/poor dad” advisor…[Read more]
