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  • Profile photo of smsaustraliasmsaustralia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    I am also interested in the SE QLD get together.
    please send me any info,
    [email protected]

    SMSAUSTRALIA – THE cabling professionals ! CCTV, DATA, PHONE, PABX, FTA, SATELLITE, and Audio Visual / Home Theatre.

    Profile photo of smsaustraliasmsaustralia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Kerry is spot on about the airforce bases.
    Other areas of interest should this occur would be :
    Ashurst, Bulls ( a quaint little town near Ohakea airbase ) and anywhere on the main trunk between Palmerston North and Wanganui.
    Another area of NZ to look out for would be Dunedin as this houses a very large and popular University – again watch out for tenants who only rent during study season – but Palmerston North is probably better because they have opened the university to all year round studying now and there is a new asian college there which is bringing in the overseas guests. Additionally Palmerston North houses the NZ institute of sport, has a new stadium and is host to the all blacks several times a year fro training sessions.
    After the recent world cup this may not be such a good thing, but still food for thought.
    I still wouldnt be looking at Marton too hevaily though ??? Pity – I LOVE the area and my grandparents farmed it since the turn of the century – and my uncle farms the Wanganui region.
    THere isa large army camp/barracks in LINTON that may be worth looking into. THis is just south of Palmerston North, is rural, but has some good mainstay tenants ranging from army personnell through to uni students from Massey ( Palmerston Nth University ) and farmers.
    On the other end of the scale ( while I have my thinking cap on ! … Palmerston North also houses NZ’s largest and most progressive agricultural and food science based study centres which is in very high demand.
    Lastly – have a look at “Lincoln” just south of Christchurch in the south Island. Very cheap area and home to a large agricultural iuniversity that is in high demand from the farming circles for their kids – most students have to stay in ChCh itself as they can’t get flats, so if you can get one there it would be in high demand – just can’t quote the valuation for you – youll have to do that yourselves.
    Good luck !
    Patrick and Heidi

    SMSAUSTRALIA – THE cabling professionals ! CCTV, DATA, PHONE, PABX, FTA, SATELLITE, and Audio Visual / Home Theatre.

    Profile photo of smsaustraliasmsaustralia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Hi guys and gals !
    Pretty overwhelmed with the response actually :)
    Things dont seem so bad afterall and Ill be giving PicJa a call very shortly methinks.
    I have a very old default which was due to a disagreement to the tune of $3000 ( car loan of $25000 initially about 4 years ago )which I have refused to payout – probably not a wise idea but seemd the appropriate thing to do at the time – I dont like being ripped off simple as that so I stuck to my guns but they still got the default in :(. and yes they DID rip me off I shouldnt have to pay them but anyhoo …
    I actually earn quite a good income ( around 80-100k pa depending on how many big contracts come up/cash jobs etc ) self employed although a part of that is cash money so my tax doesnt make me look as flash ! It also doesnt make me look very clever that I havent saved much – but then again silly ol me built a recording studio at home to the tune of $100,000+ over the past few years and I SO DONT want to sell it !!! Pleeease dont make me !
    As for deposit I have the 7k new home grant available to me, plus $8000 in savings plus an extra 6k sitting in my second car which Ill be selling in January along with some business items to teh tune of $3000 BUT I need to reduce my CC debt too which is too high for my liking.
    as for extra income I can put away at least 300 per week if not more and have 1k in rental bond – for which Im paying $280 rent a week by myself on top of the other bills so would rather be putting that into equity !
    I earn $1500 easy GROSS per week self employed through hte books … you can work out the rest yourselves ( shocking I havent saved more huh – read recording studio madness ! ).
    I had another default which my ex girlfriend left for me to the tune of $800 but Ill be paying that out this month – but it IS recent so this may damage me – she was such a lovely girl ;)
    Finally I am paying off my business vehicle ( $24K down to about 12K at present ) and have no other Credit loans etc apart from my nasty little credit card – but the bank does keep making it bigger because I am a good payer ( National Bank Gold Card ).
    I guess the situation isnt as bad as it seems BUT the reason Im all in a tizz is because I tried to geta loan before and they discovered that I had TWO Credit reports that needed to be linked and apparently that stuffed me up because I had an undeclared default on the one I didnt know about ( The car figure 3k ) which rather annoyed them apparently !
    I have already got my credit report recently and it looks ok – it does list the two defaults, but also has several “applixcations” that never went through from the house loan aplication two years ago.
    I gather it was the insurers that let me down on that one because I didnt declare the default to them.
    Any further advice greatly appreciated – my partner has a good income too – am I better to go halvsies with her ? We’d rather not do that because she is elegible for the 7k as well and we could use that for our first investment property later – yes I do know we have to live in it but hmmmm perhaps not ;) ( we have our plan ! just need to get advice on getting that first loan so we can show what excellento people we are these days !~ ).
    Again thanks SO MUCH for sharing your thoughts – Ill definitely be followintg through – but might let everyone have a nice new year nbefore bugging them over the phone!!
    Enjoy the silly season – Ill be being pedantically mature and saving my pennies ;)
    Patrick and Heidi

    SMSAUSTRALIA – THE cabling professionals ! CCTV, DATA, PHONE, PABX, FTA, SATELLITE, and Audio Visual / Home Theatre.

    Profile photo of smsaustraliasmsaustralia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Hi everyone.
    Regarding Wanganui Im happy to say I can now give some advice of my own !!
    I lived in the area ( Manawatu ) for many years and my family has farmed the local area since the turn of the previous century ! The post previous to mine is unfortunately correct ! the Mongrel mob ( gang ) are predominant in that area and the type of person living in Wanganui is not necessarily entirely wholesome hence the lower property values although outwardly it is portrayed as a gardenish city it is in reality quite a nasty place to live ( UNless you wish to take up farming ?!). As for Marton someone mentioned it above – unfortunately that is a one horse town !!! VERY LITTLE goes on in Marton ( sad to say as my family have great history there ) and it is off the main highway although there area few people starting to retire there nowadays, there is very little progress in that area and it has remained largely unchanged for the past 20 years in so far as development goes. Its a place where farmers have a beer if they are local, and has two schools which cater to out of town farmer’s kids. Apart from that you’ll find it largely deserted and defintely not a place where people are migrating TO – mainly FROM !
    Have a look at Palmerston North which is close by and has a MAJOR UNIVERSITY and most people from Marton and Wanganui tend to end up there after their schooling PLUS it’s packed with student’s wanting to rent houses but BEWARE the town is like a ghost town during UNI holidays and unless you lock your tenants in for a fixed term you’ll find the flats vacated en masse during these holiday periods. The students also dont like to treat the property’s very well, but with careful investigation you may be able to find some good ones.
    Patrick and Heidi

    SMSAUSTRALIA – THE cabling professionals ! CCTV, DATA, PHONE, PABX, FTA, SATELLITE, and Audio Visual / Home Theatre.

    Profile photo of smsaustraliasmsaustralia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    hi !
    I am not quite in the same boat but similarly looking to start doing something about my financial situation. Having read the above I am firmly committed to paying off my CC and Car loans as a priority this year and fortunately earn enough to do so fairly quickly so I can begin investing in my first property and then start the trail upwards. THe point is – you are not alone, we all have to start somewhere and I have been stupid in the past. My advice is to clear your head – work hard on those loans by seeing beyond tomorrow and your vision will become clearer to you as a medium term goal instead of a short term one. A plan is essential as well as monitoring those weekly bills to try and find ways of making them smaller – but with persistence and a concerted effort you will achieve what you set out to.
    I wish you the best, and simply put – you are NOT alone – not everyone on here is investing yet … some of us are just starting to clear our backlog of loans to make it all possible, but if you try, you will succeed… just simple steps every day will see you on the path to recovery.
    Happy New year,
    Patrick and Heidi.

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