smaan replied to the topic R.E.S.U.L.T.S program in the forum Heads Up! 17 years, 11 months ago
If anyone is interested, I have some material from the first results program that I would like to sell. I had joined the program but then was unable to continue. I have the kickstart folder and folders 1,2,and 3 they also contain some dvd's. I am also selling the Wealth Guardian, Buyer Beware and Investment Detective (which has never been used)…[Read more]
smaan replied to the topic Double SDuty in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago
Hi McHenry
I’m just starting out with sandwich lease options and my understanding of stamp duty is that it is deferred until the exercise of option and is only payable on the option fee amount.
To be creative you could eg. If the option fee is $10,000 you could put $1,000 as the option fee and the remainder $9,000 as a deposit in advance,…[Read more]smaan replied to the topic Should I invest in Laverton or Kambalda? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
was looking at the area of Kambalda about a month ago, but did my due diligence and decided against it even though they may be +cf now, but for future it would be a higher vacancy rate as it is a mining town.
When i spoke with my mortgage broker he said that being a remote area some lenders wouldn’t even lend or it was a case by case…[Read more]smaan replied to the topic Are seminars scams? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 10 months ago
I recently attended one of steve’s masterclass seminars and found it very informative although it was a full on day. I have read both of steve’s book’s but by attending the seminar i learnt new things that i didn’t know. It was a one day seminar that didn’t cost thousands of dollars (only hundreds of dollars) but it was worth it and i would…[Read more]
smaan replied to the topic How do you get a builder to finish your job? in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi, this is my first time on the forum, thought i’d put in my two bobs worth if it’s of any interest. We built 4 years ago with a reputable company and were told 15 wks for completion. My husband is in the building trade and wanted to do some of the work but they would not allow this as they didn’t want any hold ups along the way, So they could…[Read more]