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  • skatz replied to the topic Tenants Have 2 dogs, no fence in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago

    Hi calvin@thirty4, Your dog device sounds identical to the one I looked into, sounds like NSW LEGISLATION has changed since you bought yours. The problem here is that a tenancy agreement is likely invalid if contrary to STATE legislation. It sounds like an excellent device to me.


  • skatz replied to the topic Tenants Have 2 dogs, no fence in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago

    EllyH: I spoke to “Sureguard”, the designer of the product informed me that NSW legislation
    states that the device (*) may be used inside a fence through which animals cannot pass and
    that it is not less than 1.5 metres high.” Kinda makes the “device” superfluious extra!
    * I believe the device referred to is any “shocking” device including the…[Read more]

  • skatz replied to the topic Tenants Have 2 dogs, no fence in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago

    Hi EllyH
    There could be an issue with Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act NSW (checking now)
    otherwise the Radio Collar Dog Fence sounds better than a fence (plenty of dogs jump 1
    metre high fences anyway, or dig under)


  • skatz replied to the topic Tenants Have 2 dogs, no fence in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago

    Response 2:
    Harley2 : I had same idea but thought upping rent for dogs would be top rent I would get,
    but the fence plus perhaps a longer contract period is worth considering.

    Harley2 : “Smell of dog faeces in yard in summer disgusting.” NOT GOOD!
    If the contract limits them to two dogs, no pups, and the dogs are small, I wonder how…[Read more]

  • skatz replied to the topic Tenants Have 2 dogs, no fence in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago

    [blush2]Thank you every one for the replies,
    my response 2 your queries and comments:

    g7: One’s a small (Jack Russel) and a medium (wippet),
    they appeared to be placid, friendly and well behaved.
    Yes, you do wonder if someone else at DFT would give the same answer.
    The thing is that there is an obvious niche for rental house that allows dogs.…[Read more]


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