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  • SK2 replied to the topic Parramatta? Beliveve the hype? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    North Parramatta would be better as it is close enough to all of what Parramatta has to offer yet is more peaceful. These are the streets which are close to Parramatta Lake Reserve.

  • SK2 replied to the topic Sydney bargain suburbs in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    Hi Crashy,I would suggest you look at Seven hills as prices in this suburb and some surrounding suburbs have bottomed out in my opinion. Good thing with Seven Hills is that it has a train station plus a new business park is planned to get created there.Regards, SK2

  • SK2 replied to the topic ATO form to claim depreciation now in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Thanks Linda

  • SK2 replied to the topic financial advisors, brokers in Sunshine Coast in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    I am based in Sydney and was able to meet up with Richard while there a few weeks ago to work on an IP. I would recommend him to anyone. He gives good honest advice.



  • SK2 replied to the topic SYDNEY METRO STRATEGY officially released in the forum Heads Up! 18 years ago


    Does anyone have any further information on this in particular relating to the new Rouse hill regional centre? Also I have heard there will be many new lots created near Kellyville Ridge by Landcom, does anyone know when these would go on sale and what the price range might be?



  • SK2 replied to the topic 100% Home Loan in the forum Finance 18 years ago

    Thanks for the advice v8ghia. I will definitely get pre-approval beforehand!

    I have also heard about the 100% loans from Macquarie, would that be something worth considering? Or is it better if I just went through a broker to get this organised? I am based in Sydney.



  • SK2 replied to the topic New First Time Buyers Loan in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Hi Richard,

    This is interesting and might be something that could suit me. Which two lenders is this product through?

    What will the interest rates be like?

    I already have an investment loan on the CBA wealth package but am now considering loans I could take out to purchase a home to live in.



  • SK2 replied to the topic Rick Otton Bootcamp… in the forum Heads Up! 18 years ago

    Hi tiredofthis sorry for asking, but are you affiliated to the Jenman site or are you actually Mr Jenam in disguise here?

    Saw your other post in the Help section where you put your views on Rick and again referred to some artical on that site.



  • SK2 replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago

    Hi All,

    Here is what we drive:

    Mine is a 99 Camry v6 bought in 2002 for 14k. It had done 97Km back then and is now reaching 200km but still runs like new. Also good thing with the Camry v6 is that it does not use much more fuel then the 4 cylinder camry.

    My wife drives a 2003 Corolla bought for 15k earlier this year and it had done about…[Read more]

  • SK2 replied to the topic First time Investing in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    Gives you free suburb profiles once you register with them. Registration is free also.

  • SK2 replied to the topic Using Re-Draw on investment loans in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Thanks Richard I reckon that is what I will do when it’s time for my 2nd IP purchase.

    Also the ATO called back today and confirmed everything that was mentioned here. Offset account set up’s on investment loans are perfectly okay however using re-draw will require apportioning to claim back on tax.

  • SK2 replied to the topic Using Re-Draw on investment loans in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi Terry I originally did intend on going through StGeorge however they let me down in the speed in which they which they seem to work. Maybe it was a rare case however after I had put documents through to StGeorge they came back to me 2 weeks later saying we had to supply additional I.D before they did the valuation on the land!

    My land…[Read more]

  • SK2 replied to the topic Using Re-Draw on investment loans in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Thanks for the info Fish. That will be a shame if I can’t have the salary go directly into the MISA account. But I guess if the transfers into MISA can be doing over the net then it should still be okay.

    I will check up on that limitation.

  • SK2 replied to the topic Using Re-Draw on investment loans in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    I just contacted the ATO however they said someone will get back to me within 24 hours with an answer. I will post what I find out here.

    I also contacted CBA and they advised I could have an offset account called the Miser account. Will wait to see what sort of account that is when I receive more information for it.

  • SK2 replied to the topic Using Re-Draw on investment loans in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Thanks Terry, Now I feel as though it probably is not the best idea for me to be going with CBA!

    Can I just confirm that even though both an offset and a normal loan account with re-draw seem to operate the same way,( Both can have the full salary paid into it, both have the interest calculated off the total amount in the loan and both allow one…[Read more]

  • SK2 replied to the topic Using Re-Draw on investment loans in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Thanks LifeX, that structure looks like it would still let me achieve my aim of paying costs with the credit card and then pay off the credit card with the offset account instead of through the loan directly.

    I’m just not sure if the Viridian line of credit can be used like an offset as Richard mentioned it can’t.

    I will speak to the Comm Bank…[Read more]

  • SK2 replied to the topic Using Re-Draw on investment loans in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Thanks for that Terry. I have not actually signed anything yet so i’m glad I checked for opinions here first!

    Does anyone know if the Viridian line of credit through Comm Bank can be used like an offset account which Terry mentioned?

    Or is it best to just not put all of the salary into the loan in the first place?

  • SK2 replied to the topic Using Re-Draw on investment loans in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Thanks Richard and Terrw.

    My plan was to have my full salary paid straight into the loan and cover all my expenses with a credit card. Then at the end of each month I would re-draw the amount required to pay of the credit card.

    I will keep in mind what you said if I do need to re-draw.

  • SK2 replied to the topic Beaudesert in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi NATHAN17,

    I have also been researching this area and am in the process of getting a house built there. I visited a few of the real estate agents in Jimboomba and Beaudesert and there does seem to be a lack of rental properties available. Most of the real-estate agents expect the rental to be around the 280-300 week for a brand new house on at…[Read more]

  • SK2 replied to the topic Investing in Gleneagle (1hr from Brisisie) in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Thanks for the advice Krupta. You are right the developer will be selling other stages in the same area.

    The total investment however will be under $280k and not 350k as you mentioned.



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