SiteManager replied to the topic High Yield investment property in VIC under $320k ? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
@Knightm, well the reason is because NSW is already expensive mate. Hence I’m looking for another state for cheaper option but with more population growth potential.
BuyersAgent replied to the topic High Yield investment property in VIC under $320k ? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Hey @sitemanager – in short I was about to send off same reply as Adnie Frangers gets way more publicity but I just did a quick review and house median is significantly lower in Werribee, 325k vs 399k gross yield higher also(4.64% vs 4.29%). Both have general potential long term I am a big believer in satellite towns off capital cities. Possibly…[Read more]
BuyersAgent replied to the topic Investing under $300k for Cashflow Positive / High Yield property in VIC ? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Hi @sitemanager to just answer your question for decent yields in VIC without too much risk I would consider Ballart, Bendigo, and Wodonga as viable options. Mildura possibly at least the vacancy rate is tight but I haven’t checked the economy there recently to know what the current vibe is.
SiteManager replied to the topic Positive cashflow with increased interest rate in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
@deancollins Nice, spot on Dean.
So I guess it is for sure that RBA going to cut the interest rate again next year or even next week :-)interesting day ahead for us investor here where the banks just increased the IR last week due to APRA ruling.
DeanCollins replied to the topic Positive cashflow with increased interest rate in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
@Sitemanager, but the Australian government want the $A to go down…..there are a number of countries all trying to actively drive down their currency in a silent…not really silent currency war at the moment.
That’s why they keep dropping interest rates….to stimulate borrowings….but also to make Aust goods more competitive overseas.
You…[Read more]
DeanCollins replied to the topic Positive cashflow with increased interest rate in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
@Sitemanager, but the Australian government want the $A to go down…..there are a number of countries all trying to actively drive down their currency in a silent…not really silent currency war at the moment.
That’s why they keep dropping interest rates….to stimulate borrowings….but also to make Aust goods more competitive overseas.