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  • simpst04 replied to the topic flipping or onselling in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Pty Ltd purchase of the land? Qld007 you’re a genius.

    thats actually one of the best ideas i’ve seen on this site.

    does any body know what the cost of incorporating a Co is? a mate of mine said it was about $1500

  • simpst04 replied to the topic TRIBUNAL RULES WRAP CONTRACT “UNJUST” in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Dazzling:

    Sorry to be pedantic…but a 700% rise in 20 years is actually only 10.2% p.a. compounded.

    If it was 35% p.a., it would have gone up 404 times….OK ??

    right on brother.

    i cant see why people have such a negative perspective about wraps.

    as has been mentioned many times, if all parties are fully…[Read more]

  • simpst04 replied to the topic sub division in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years, 2 months ago

    i dont know either mate, but i would assume your local council would know.

    give them a bell or email, and im sure they can tell you if it can be done, at least theoretically.

    as for having done a subdivision, i have not, but i reckon your on to something, because i want to get into developing triplexes, as they seem to have a fairly good return…[Read more]

  • simpst04 replied to the topic th investors club in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 2 months ago

    thanks people.

    where is this search facility? on, or do you mean google? because i have looked a bit and havent found it yet.

    thanks again.[trigger]

  • simpst04 replied to the topic Can you help? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago

    Hey Steve,

    Can you please give a quick explanation about how you convinvce banks to offer more loans.
    Consider a person who has 3 positively geared properties, but they are having trouble finding a lending institution to finance a fourth.
    What is the best way to convince a bank that this person is not “maxed out”?
    Thanks alot for sharing your…[Read more]


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