SimonW replied to the topic Possible Buy in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
An important point I learned with a commercial shop front……talk to the shopkeeper BEFORE you buy. You will find out a wealth of information about the shop, including how long they are planning to stay, how busy they are and other local gossip!
A lot of people over look this basic idea and miss out on important…[Read more]
SimonW replied to the topic I Need Help To Do More Deals! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Thanks Kiwi
I like the idea of making a deal with a builder!
Also, if anyone wants to join me in doing a joint venture on any of my current deals, please let me know. Any builders out there?
SimonSimonW replied to the topic Units in US in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I just thought of another way to finance your deals……VENDOR FINANCE of course ! Steve’s old fave! I saw a couple of properties for Buffalo on the net offering this service so that would solve your probs!
SimonSimonW replied to the topic OZ property market out of control in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Go easy guys.
At first glance a box like that would look like a bad deal. But a lot of good deals go unnoticed because of the unweary.
I would consider buying a box just to put my windsurfer in as I havn’t found a beach house close enough to the water that I could afford!
Perhaps I could rent it out to other surfers/windsufer types and make…[Read more]
SimonW replied to the topic Joint Venture in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago
Joint Ventures doesn’t need to be anything more than an agreement (preferably on paper) with the following:
1) the property/project it is applicable to,
2) what each party is going to contribute,
3) how the Joint Venture will share in the profit/losses
4) how disputes will be handled (eg arbitrator)
5) how the Joint Venture will terminate
6) both…[Read more]SimonW replied to the topic Joint Venture in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Good onya!
That is how I got started. I bought 6 investment properties that way. I leveraged off of my business partner who has been in the game for a long time and has had a lot of experience.
I was working full time when I started 3 years ago and for the life of me I could not find a descent deal in 12 months that I searched ! I found my…[Read more]
SimonW replied to the topic Units in US in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
From what I can gather from other people who have investment properties in the US, it is difficult to get a loan over in the US if you don’t already have their credit rating. So be prepared to pay cash.
One idea that a friend of mine had was to buy business that had a credit rating and use it to buy the properties. The business…[Read more]
SimonW replied to the topic What are we ALL going to do ????? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
The strategy that I am employing is one that Robert Kiyosaki advocates and that you make your money when you buy (ie I buy when I find property below market value). I am using this to create a buffer for any drops in value, therefore if I had to sell I would hopefully just get my money back.
Buying below market value though has its challenges,…[Read more]
SimonW replied to the topic I Need Help To Do More Deals! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Thanks for your advice guys.
Terry – Thanks! I have actually got an ABN have had it for 2 years so that is good.
It is still a bit of catch 22 though, as I figure for about a $300,000 loan at 7.5% interest I would still need about $70k p/a right? So that means I need to do some more deals….therefore need more finance…
Any…[Read more]
SimonW replied to the topic Builders in Lismore/Goonellabah/Ballina area in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
<Edited as considered advertising>
SimonW replied to the topic Have finance – now need a block:) in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
<Edited as considered advertising>
SimonW replied to the topic wraps in canberra in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi all
Doesn’t the buyer have to pay stamp duty when he re-finances and buys you out, not the seller? This is the same for every state isn’t it?
When Nathan says that Land Tax has to be paid, he means that Land Tax is payable every year just like for any other investment propery in the ACT, right? Is there any reason why this couldn’t be…[Read more]
SimonW replied to the topic 4 Corners, Monday 21st April at 8:30pm in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I was dissapointed with 4 corners. I had expected that the ABC would have provided a bit more of a NEW story. The Queensland property scams are old hat anyone who ever watched any of Paul Clithroe’s money shows knows that you never take use the professionals recommended by the developer ! Ok, now they are doing it in Melbourne….. I half…[Read more]
SimonW replied to the topic DOES ANYONE WANT THESE DEALS? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi All
I did my due dilligence and passed up on these two. There is a little more than meets the eye.
If you are serious about them and want to know more email me:
Simon [8D]
SimonW replied to the topic The one about the abandoned mine shaft… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
A good lessons learnt.
People don’t seem to be into checking things out very much. I was the only one at an auction the other day who had a building inspection done. I even tried to sell off a copy or two to some prospective bidders, so that we could all bid on the same issues, but no one wanted one! They didn’t even ask about the price.
SimonW replied to the topic Redevelopment opportunities in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
SimonW replied to the topic Book Intro… What Do You Think? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
I think it is a great intro !
However, I am one who only reads the front and the back of the book and maybe flips through the index at the front, so I will have bought your book by the time I read the intro!
I really liked the extended-weekend storey. I think all Australians can relate to that ! But hey, you don’t have to wait until you…[Read more]