Simon_G replied to the topic Buying a property at the rear of a hosptial in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I lived near a hospital once. Never any on street parking. Could be easy to rent if hospital is associated with a university.
Simon_G replied to the topic Landlord Insurance in the forum General Property 14 years ago
I use EBM. I did my research and they are cheap and cover everything including accidental damage that a lot don't cover. Like most others, I have never had to claim, so can't comment on the service that counts.Simon.
Simon_G replied to the topic Is mortgage insurance transferrable? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Thanks Michael,We are refinancing for two reasons. One, being better rates. Second, ongoing disputes with the bank….Simon.
Simon_G replied to the topic Good insurance cover in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I currently use EBM for my properties. Haven't looked at the docs for a while but I believe they are underwritten by QBE. One of the main reasons I chose EBM was the 'accidental damage' which a lot of policies don't cover. Sometimes the bond doesn't cover tenants 'accidents' which can't be classed as ma…[Read more]
Simon_G replied to the topic Bad bad Tenants in the forum General Property 15 years ago
Those 'Today tonight' stories annoy me. I have never seen one where the owner is insured…. Landlords insurance is relatively cheap. The company I use is very cheap and it even covers accidental damage by the tenants. Most only cover malicious acts.What about late fees written into leases? May scare off potential tenants though……Simon
Simon_G replied to the topic Tax question re: Car deductions in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Thanks for the info
Simon_G replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule in the forum General Property 15 years ago
I've used Washington Brown a few times. Nice and quick, $550.Simon.
Simon_G replied to the topic Property receiving well under market rent….. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I will ring the Department of Fair Trading tomorrow. We can definitely ask for vacant possession, as the lease has expired. I am concerned about the fact we have no intentions of living there ourselves so the current tenant may have some rights regarding us asking for vacant possession only to raise the…[Read more]
Simon_G replied to the topic Property receiving well under market rent….. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Thanks Dru, however, I'm not sure if you can kick tenants out just to raise the rent. (please let me know if you can).There is a high rental demand in the area and we would easily be able to get market rate within a week of advertising.Simon
Simon_G replied to the topic Property receiving well under market rent….. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
They are on an expired lease. The agent has told me they have been good tenants, but it has obviously been a long time since the rent was raised. There is nothing being done by the tenants to reduce the rent.Thanks Maree.
Simon_G replied to the topic I need a tenant!!!!! (and/or a new property manager) in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Thanks everyone for you comments. I'll just have to sit it out a bit longer.I will be speaking with the PM later today. Originally it was the 'same property as everyone else' issue. but nearly all the properties have leased now so I don't think it is any longer a problem.Simon.
Simon_G replied to the topic Advice on Student Accomodation in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Thanks Trakka, I didn't realise that…..
Simon_G replied to the topic Good tenants or Good rent?????? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Thanks for your input.I can see your point regarding being behind the 8 ball for the next rent increase. I guess I was focusing on our extra cashflow when I should have put a bit more preasure on the tenans now, so it won't be as big a push next increase.I disagree with agents being all over complex legislation, however, I have never been…[Read more]
Simon_G replied to the topic Deductable expenses???? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago
Thanks Amanda
Simon_G replied to the topic Deductable expenses???? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago
I have worked out the answer to 3 and 4 by doing some research. But am still stuck on 1 and 2.Simon.
Simon_G replied to the topic Sale By Owner in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Has anyone out there sold their property/ies privately?
There is obviously the big pro of saving 2-4%, but how was the experiance? Was it worth it?
Simon_G replied to the topic WA Investors in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I have been looking at Glendalough, tuart hill, morley, Dianella and surrounds. All around the $220 and below, 2×1’s.
Average yield I have found is around 4%.
But I am obviously looking at a completely different thing to Dazzling.
Simon_G replied to the topic WA Investors in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
What price range are you looking at and what % deposits are you putting down to get +CF in Perth.
I have been looking around for a while and I’m actually flying over next week to look at some properties. However, I’m hard up trying to find one that yields at 5%. I’ve been looking at various suburbs within 10 km of the CBD around the…[Read more]
Simon_G replied to the topic How do trusts purchase property? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Thanks CATA,
That clears it up for me.
Simon_G replied to the topic How do trusts purchase property? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Thanks guys.
One more though…..
If the individual goes on the title, as coastymike has stated above referring an individual as a trustee, then how does the ATO or anyone else know if the property is in a trust or privately owned?
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