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  • SIMMO2702 replied to the topic sick of greedy plumbers & electricians in the forum General Property 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hello I suppose I can comment on this topic as I am a plumber. I do agree that some tradies charge too much (but how much is too much) but we all have the option to say no to the work or ask for a quote. I have found with myself that if you get to know your tradies and use them as a regular, it seems to help keep the cost down as repeat bu…[Read more]

  • SIMMO2702 replied to the topic black mailed by neighbour in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 11 months ago

    G’Day Dr X

    Unfortunately I can understand some of what you are going through.

    I tried to develop a block in Baxter Vic. We had plans drawn up for 5 units which the council town planner really liked. We had an objection from my ONLY neighbour. Council decided to make me change to 4 units which cost an extra $5000 to redraw plans and another 12…[Read more]

  • SIMMO2702 replied to the topic Property in Baxter Vic in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 11 months ago

    Firstly, I would like to say thanks for your time and effort in replying to my position. Your opinions are very much appreciated.

    If this was my wife talking , she would sell the Baxter block with plans and permits and take the money and renovate the old house we have here in Perth as we are only 8 km from CBD which has higher long term…[Read more]


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