Sideliner replied to the topic A sick persuit of money in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I have learned something amazing about money and property.
I love it passionately AND what anyone else thinks about me and what I do is NONE OF MY BUSINESS and I suppose the same goes fthe other way round all those comments (snides) about money, wealth and property investing from others – well, [biggrin]what I think about them is MY business and…[Read more]
Sideliner replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hello Duchess
I understand another way to protect yourself is to have your beau sign a lease and to pay ‘rent’. That way he is only ever a tenant.
Suggest you could check it out with a lawyer that KNOWS about property and what it entails. A trust is an option, and true the transfer could mean capital gains and any other tax that the state you…[Read more]Sideliner replied to the topic Bird-Dogging in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
You go girl!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this posting and one thing is for sure. Karma is karma baby, and it DOES bite you on the bum when you are not looking.
My understanding is a Bird Dog hunts for deals for you.I have had Buyers Agents do the same thing.That too has worked great for me.
I do not agree with the cash under…[Read more]